The correspondence of Leo, Metropolitan of Synada and Syncellus |
The Digest of Justinian Latin text edited by Theodor Mommsen with the aid of Paul Krueger |
The history of Menander the Guardsman |
The platonic theology |
The treatise of Manuel Chrysaphes, the lampadarios |
Three Byzantine military treatises |
Athanasius, Contra gentes |
Byzantium |
Chrysostomus Nubianus |
Constantinople in the early eighth century |
Gender and sanctity in early Byzantine monasticism a study of the phenomenon of female ascetics in male monastic habit with a translation of the life of St. Matrona by Khalifa Bennasser |
Iakovos Monachos, Letter 3 |
Justice under Manuel I Komnenos |
Maurice's Strategikon |
O city of Byzantium |
On the divine liturgy |
On the incomprehensible nature of God |
The ascetical homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian |
The harp of the spirit |
The history of the church from Christ to Constantine |
The life of Melania, the Younger |
The Life of Saint Nicholas of Sion |
The sayings of the Desert Fathers |
Timarion |
Treatise on prayer |
An early Byzantine formula for the renunciation of Manichaeism |
Definitions and divisions of philosophy |
Faith healing in late Byzantium |
Letters of Gregory Akindynos |
On powers, or, The magistracies of the Roman state |
On virginity |
The life of Samuel of Kalamun by Isaac the Presbyter |
The Philogelos, or, Laughter-lover |
The triads |
Chronographia, a chronicle of eighth century Byzantium |
Days and deeds of a Hesychast saint |
History of Lewond, the eminent vardapet of the Armenians |
Instructions, letters, and other writings of Saint Pachomius and his disciples |
Marvazi on the Byzantines |
New history |
Patriarch Photios of Constantinople |
The chronicle of John (c. 690 A. D.), Coptic Bishop of Nikiu |
The chronicle of John (c. 690 A.D.) |
The chronicle of Theophanes |
The church, the liturgy, and the soul of man |
The emperor in Byzantine art of the 12th century |
The ladder of divine ascent John Climacus |
The Patriarch and the Prince |
The practical and theological chapters, and, Three theological discourses |
The unpublished saint's life of the Empress Irene (BHG 2205) |