Comparaison de Démosthène et d'Aristide |
Ethopoeia dramatica |
Life of Saint Peter of Atroa |
Remembering Nicaea |
Select sermons |
Songs about women |
The ambigua to John |
The Gnostic trilogy |
The homilies "On the robe" and "On the siege" |
Over de opkomst van de Osmaanse Turken en de ondergang van Constantinopel |
Xanthippe et Polyxène |
Il Trattato sui sogni di Sinesio di Cirene e il commento di Niceforo Gregora. |
Prisciani Caesariensis De laude Anastasii imperatoris |
Versi d’amore in greco volgare del XV secolo |
Against the Calumniator of Plato |
Commentary on Chaldean oracles |
Comparison of Plato and Aristotle : God as the absolutely first |
Disputatio of the Latin and Greeks, 1234 |
Life of Mary, the Theotokos, and Life and Acts of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Life of the Virgin Mary |
Miscellaneous poems |
Saints at the limits |
Stock characters speaking |
The deeds of the Neapolitan Bishops |
The letters of Libanius from the age of Theodosius |
The life of Theodotus of Amida |
Two fragments of the Sahidic version of Basil of Caesarea’s De ieiunio I from Codex CLM 562 |
La vieja libidinos |
Die Briefsammlungen des Nikephoros Chumnos |
Hē peira = Die Peira |
Kommentar zu Platons Alkibiades |
Weltall, Erde, Mensch : Naturkunde |
Commentaire sur le Paradis des Pères |
Les guerres contre les perses |
L’hymnaire de Saint-Sabas (Ve–VIIIe siecle) |
L’importante decouverte de deux traites d’Evagre le Pontique sous le nom de Maxime le Confesseur en georgien |
Tome 1, Discours I–IV, les heritiers de Constantin |
Un mēmrā d’Ephrem le Syrien |
Τιμαρίων ἢ Περὶ τῶν κατ’ αὐτὸν παθημάτων |
Breuis instructio de natura et quomodo credere debeamus e De Trinitate (CPG 2296) attribuita ad Atanasio di Alessandria |
La 'recensio' BHG 2477 della 'Passio sancti Zosimi martyris Anazarbi in Cilicia' |
La versio Syra minor della vita di Giovanni il Misericordioso |
La vita di Romylos da Vidin asceta nei Balcani (1310 ca - 1376/1380) |
Una nuova pagina inedita dell’omelia crisostomica Quod frequenter conveniendum sit |
A consul of the philosophers on what is given and what is not in the cosmos |
A new logistic text of Nicholas Rhabdas |
A sourcebook on Byzantine law |
Aetius of Amida on disease of the brain |
Animal Fables of the Courtly Mediterranean |
Barlaam of Seminara on Stoic ethics |