Notitia de locis sanctis |
Sur les etats de cause |
Un kontakion italo-grec en l’honneur de saint Martin de Tours, et la carriere ≪byzantine≫ de ce dernier |
Contro Roma e contro Gregorio Palamas |
Gli scolii di Demetrio Tricilino alla 'Theogonia' di Esiodo |
Martyrium Arethae Arabice |
A commentary on the 646th letter of Isidore of Pelusium |
Alleged Athanasiana on the Song of Songs (CPG 2141.6) |
Byzantine Military Rhetoric in the Ninth Century |
Capita ascetica Serdicensia |
Commentary on Aristotle, Prior Analytics (Book II) |
Cosmological questions answered with Severian of Gabala in MS Athonensis, Lavras B 43 (Eustratiadis 163) |
Defending Orthodoxy in verse |
From the depths of the heart |
Homilies on Colossians |
Homilies on the Our Father |
Melania the Younger : from Rome to Jerusalem |
On the six days of creation |
Paul in Byzantine book epigrams |
Proclus and the Chaldean Oracles |
Prophecies of the pagans about Christ |
Saint Julian of Cicilia : cult and hagiography |
The Byzantine Sinbad |
The first Arabic annals |
The life and death of Theodore of Stoudios |
The Life of Christopher |
The octosyllabic verses of the 'Chapters in Four Ways' |
The philosopher, or, On faith |
The philosophy of Constantine the Philosopher of Nicaea |
El encomio a Ignacio de Miguel Sincelo (BHG 818) |
El padrenuestro, el bautismo y la eucaristía |
Homilías sobre la carta a los efesios |
Panegíricos |
Sobre la sátira en Bizancio |
Vida de Andronico y Atanasia |
De adoratione et cultu in spiritu et veritate |
Der Erstgeborene Eingeborene oder warum man das Gerade nicht krumm machen soll |
Fabelbuch : Stephanites und Ichnelates |
Gregorii Antiochi opera : Orationes et epistulae |
Presbyter Kozma, Gegen die Bogomilen |
Vita et miracula Sanctae Theclae |
«Тактикон» Урбикия |
Гомилия на слова: Никто не может служить двум господам (Мф. 6, 24), CPG 5059 |
Житие Луки Столпника (BHG 2239) |
Проповедь Нестория «Против еретиков, о божественной Троице» (CPG 5691) |
Синесий Киренский. Личность и этикет в позднеантичной эпистолографии |
Canoane de rugăciune la Sfantul Ioan Botezătorul |
Comentariu la Canonul cel Mare al Sfântului Andrei Criteanul |
Talcuire la Psalmi |
Początki bizantyńskiego ikonoklazmu (726–754) : Teksty źródłowe |