An exposition of the Gospel by Saint Ephrem. Edited and translated by George A. Egan |
Historia Francorum qui ceperunt Iherusalem |
On the preface to a praktikon by Alyates |
The tale of Devgenij |
An unknown Byzantine emperor, Andronicus V Palaeologus (1400-1407?) |
Ascetical works |
De administrando imperio |
Historia nova |
History of the wars, Secret history, and Buildings |
The oracle of Baalbek |
A Panegyric on John the Baptist attributed to Theodosius Archbishop of Alexandria, edited by K. H. Kuhn |
The Chronographia |
The essential Eusebius |
The short chronicle of Lesbos, 1355-1428 |
Two 14th century descriptions of the 'Black Death' |
Alcibiades I |
Arethas, Choirosphactes and the Saracen Vizir |
Athanasiana Syriaca |
The history of the church from Christ to Constantine by Eusebius. Translated with an introd. by G.A. Williamson |
The Lausiac history |
Crusaders as conquerors |
New Arethas documents V |
Papyri from Hermopolis |
Some autographs of Nicephorus Gregoras |
Baptismal instructions |
Chronicles of the Crusades |
Exegetic homilies |
Stoicheiōsis theologikē |
Anonymous prolegomena to Platonic philosophy |
New Arethas documents III |
New Arethas documents IV |
On the chronology of the activities of Manuel II Palaeologus in the Peloponnesus in 1415 |
The Abinnaeus archive |
The deeds of the Franks and the other pilgrims to Jerusalem |
Three documents concerning the Tetragamy |
New Arethas texts for the historical study of the Vita Euthymii |
Secret history |
The history of the Caucasian Albanians |
Two fables recovered |
A commentary on the divine liturgy |
A twelfth-century description of St. Sophia |
Alexios Makrembolites and his 'Dialogue between the rich and poor' |
Commentary on Saint John the apostle and evangelist, homilies 48-88 |
On the Silence of Socrates |
The age of Attila |
The reign of Manuel II Palaeologus in Thessalonica, 1382-1387 |
Anthemius of Tralles |
Texts for the historical study of the Vita Euthymii |
The ladder of divine ascent |
Texts for the study of the "Vita Euthymii" |