The fount of Knowledge |
The homilies of Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople |
The symposium, a treatise on chastity |
Western asceticism |
A new Eusebius |
Commentary on Saint John the apostle and evangelist, homilies 1-47 Translated by Sister Aquinas Goggin |
Description of the Church of the Holy Apostles at Constantinople |
Nicolas Cabasilas' "Anti-Zealot" Discourse |
Social and political thought in Byzantium, from Justinian I to the last Palaeologus |
The Great Canon |
The will of a provincial magnate, Eustathius Boilas (1059) |
Digenes Akrites |
Eight letters of Arethas on the fourth marriage of Leo the Wise |
The elements of Roman law, with a translation of the Institutes of Justinian |
Cyril of Jerusalem and Nemesius of Emesa |
The ascetic life |
The earlier Ambigua of St. Maximus the Confessor and his refutation of Origenism |
The life of Alexander of Macedon. Translated and edited by Elizabeth Hazelton Haight |
The life of St. Louis |
Vita Euthymii |
History of Mehmed the Conqueror |
Nine orations |
The correspondence of a tenth-century Byzantine scholar |
The Lord's prayer |
Ecclesiastical history |
Funeral orations by Saint Gregory Nazianzen and Saint Ambrose |
Oratio |
The Chronographia of Michael Psellus Translated from the Greek by E. R. A. Sewter |
A Roman reformer and inventor, being a new text of the treatise De rebus bellicis |
The imprisonment of Manuel Maschopulos in the year 1305 or 1306 |
The Theodosian code and novels, and the Sirmondian constitutions |
Christianity and pagan culture in the later Roman Empire |
Lectures on the Christian sacraments, the Procatechesis and the five Mystagogical Catechesis |
Letters |
Letters concerning the Holy Spirit |
On the divine names, and, Mystical theology translated by C.E. Rolt |
The life of Saint Antony |
The problem of the spurious letter of emperor Alexius to the count of Flanders |
Writings |
De administrando imperio |
On animals = Peri zōōn |
De profectione Ludovici VII in orientem |
Monastic properties and the state in the Byzantine Empire |
Ode in honour of the Holy Immaculate Most Blessed Glorious Lady Mother of God and ever Virgin Mary |
The Armenian version of the pseudo-Athanasian Letter to the Antiochenes Sermo maior de fide and of the Expositio fidei |
The incarnation of the Word of God, being the treatise of St. Athanasius, De incarnatione Verbi Dei |
Ghevond’s text of the correspondence between Umar II and Leo III |
A history of deeds done beyond the sea |
An edict of the Emperor Justinian II, September, 688 |
Chronicle of the First Crusade |