Corollaries on place and void |
Faith gives fullness to reasoning |
Lives of the Monks of Palestine |
Manuel Palaiologos |
On Aristotle On the intellect (De anima 3.4-8) |
On the person of Christ |
On the Pythagorean way of life Iamblichus |
Place, void, and eternity |
Priscian of Caesarea's De laude Anastasii Imperatoris translated with commentary and introduction by Patricia Coyne |
Selections Fourteen homilies |
The Georgian chronicle |
The Goths in the fourth century |
The Greek Alexander romance translated with an introduction and notes by Richard Stoneman |
The life of Michael the Synkellos |
Constantine Porphyrogenitus |
Emperors, patriarchs, and sultans of Constantinople, 1373-1513 |
Hymns on paradise St. Ephrem |
Letter Concerning the Sorceress to Bishop Theodoxios |
Life |
Michaelis Pselli Historia syntomos |
Romanos' encomium on Joseph |
Short history |
The encomium of S. Pancratius of Taormina by Gregory the Pagurite |
The letters of Ioannes Mauropous Metropolitan of Euchata |
The Panarion of St. Epiphanius, Bishop of Salamis |
The paschal letter of Alexander II, patriarch of Alexandria |
Two Greek Aristotelian commentators on the intellect |
Chronicles of the Crusades |
Chronicon paschale 284-628 AD |
Creeds, councils and controversies |
Ephrem the Syrian |
Hypomnēma eis ton Parmenidēn Platōnos |
Leontius, presbyter of Constantinople, and an unpublished homily of Ps. Chrysostom on Christmas |
On Aristotle Physics 6 |
On ascetical life |
On the Pythagorean life Iamblichus |
The Emperor Julian |
The Historical Compilation of Vardan Arewelc'i |
The history of the church from Christ to Constantine |
A comparison between a king and a monk |
A critical edition of the anti-Arsenite discourses of Theoleptos of Philadelphia |
A partial account |
An annotated bibliography of Byzantine sources in English translation |
An encomium of Leontius Monachus on the birthday of John the Baptist ( BHG 864f) |
On divine providence |
The bath of Leo the Wise and the "Macedonian Renaissance" revisited |
The capture of Thessaloniki |
The commentaries of Proclus on the Timaeus of Plato by Thomas Taylor |
The inauguration anthem of Hagia Sophia in Edessa |
The one hundred and fifty chapters |