A little known sticheron for the translation of St. Nicholas |
The letters of Manuel II Palaeologus |
The life and works of our holy father, St. Daniel the Stylite |
The life of our holy father, John the Almsgiver |
The life of St. Theodore of Sykeon |
The Preface of the Bibliotheca of Photius |
Vida y hazañas de Alejandro de Macedonia Pseudo Calístenes |
Bauten / Prokop. Beschreibung der Hagia Sophia / Paulos Silentiarios |
Kommentar zu Hippokrates "De fracturis" und seine Parallelversion unter dem Namen des Stephanus von Alexandria |
Introducere în filozofie |
Des différences entre Platon et Aristote |
Dialogues sur la Trinité Cyrille d'Alexandrie |
Sainte-Sophie de Thessalonique d’après un ritual |
Sur la Genèse |
Un chrysobulle de confirmation rédigé par Michel Psellos |
Une donation des époux Sanianoi au monastère des Hodègoi |
Cronaca di Monemvasia |
Il battesimo |
L'Incarnazione del Verbo Atanasio |
Circus Factions |
Deeds of John and Manuel Comnenus |
In praise of Constantine |
Sallust, On the gods and the world |
St. Romanos the Melodos and his first nativity kontakion |
The encomium of Gregory Nazianzen by Nicetas the Paphlagonian |
The works of Dionysius the Areopagite now first translated into English from the original Greek by John Parker |
Theophylact, On Predestination |
Antirrhetika I |
Histoire |
Histoire ecclésiastique |
La vie ancienne de Sainte Marie surnommée Marinos |
Michel Psellos et Denys d’Halicarnasse |
Réquisitoire du patriarche Jean d’Antioche contre le charisticariat |
Cronaca dei Tocco di Cefalonia |
Fiorenzo, o intorno alla sapienza |
Trattato Contra quelli che non vogliono riconoscere la Santa Vergine Madre di Dio Cirillo di Alessandria |
Dopisy |
Dopisy |
Řeči |
A confraternity of the Comnenian era |
Decline and fall of Byzantium to the Ottoman Turks |
Letter to the monks of the Chora (Logos 15) and Letter to Sir Methodius Senacherim the monk |
Mazaris' Journey to Hades |
Romanos' hymn on the sacrifice of Abraham |
The 'Monody' of Demetrius Kydones on the zealot rising of 1345 in Thessaloniki |
The correspondence of Athanasius I, Patriarch of Constantinople |
The histories |
The history of John Cantacuzenus (Book IV) |
The Institutes of Justinian |
The letters of St. Antony the Great |