Displaying 2401 - 2418 of 2418
Title | Publication Year | Translation Language | URL |
The medical works of Paulus Aegineta, the Greek physician |
1834 |
English |
Select works of Plotinus, the great restorer of the philosophy of Plato |
1817 |
English |
L’ὀδοντοτύραννος, animal de l’Inde |
French |
Photios et ses freres |
French |
Vie |
French |
Consigli a una novizia |
Italian |
Su un’inedita poesia di Giovanni Eugenico per Giovanni VIII Paleologo |
Italian |
Conflict and negotiation in the early church |
English |
Medieval European society as seen in two eleventh-century texts of Michael Psellos |
English |
Notes on Byzantine prooimia |
English |
Theodore II Laskaris, Elena Asenina and Bulgaria |
English |
Dialoge mit einem Muslim |
German |
Die berühmteste Marien-Predigt der Spätantike |
German |
Graeca sunt, non leguntur |
German |
Theodoros Prodromos historisches Gedicht LXXVIII |
German |
Lug dukhovnyĭ |
Russian |
Послание к юношам о пользе языческих книг |
Russian |
О Теофилактовој Одбрани евнуштва (II) |
Serbo-Croatian |