Politik, Philosophie und Rhetorik im spätbyzantinischen Reich (1355-1452) Georgios Gemistos Plethon |
Secret history |
Istorii︠a︡ |
Des notes marginales du Vindobonensis historicus graecus 70 |
Deux textes inédits du patriarche Germain |
La vie d'Euthyme de Sardes |
Le patriarche Méthode contre les iconoclastes et les Stoudites |
Les récits édifiants de Paul, évèque de Monembasie, et d'autres auteurs introduction et texte par John Wortley |
Scholies aux Proverbes |
Giustiniano, ebrei e samaritani |
La prolusione del maestro dell'apostolo |
Scriptor incertus |
O lásce Drosilly Charikla |
The Life of Saint Nikon |
An Eleventh-Century Manual of Arabo-Byzantine Astronomy by Alexander Jones |
Commentary on the Song of songs |
Homily on the transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Chirst |
Justinian's Institutes translated with an introduction by Peter Birks & Grant McLeod with the Latin text of Paul Krueger |
On the Sixth Psalm Concerning the Octave |
Philoponus against Aristotle On the eternity of the world |
Proclus' Commentary on Plato's Parmenides |
Pseudo-Dionysius |
St. Cyril of Alexandria |
The life and martyrdom of Saint Anastasia and those who were martyred with her |
The mystagogy of the Holy Spirit |
Three poems |
Las verdades de la fe en las ocho catequesis de San Cirilo de Jerusalén |
Vita Antonii |
Le traité sur la guérilla (De velitatione) de l'empereur Nicéphore Phocas (963-969) |
Panégyriques de l'empereur Anastase Ier |
Quelques lettres de Psellos inédites ou déjà éditées |
Saints de Byzance et du Proche-Orient |
Traité des premiers principes Damascius |
Storia dei monaci della Siria |
Na přelomu věků |
A missing chapter from the typikon of Nikephoros Blemmydes |
A women's quest for spiritual direction |
Book 7 of the Collection |
Discourse on the Transfiguration |
George Gemistos Plethon the last of the Hellenes |
Homilies on Genesis Saint John Chrysostom |
Iamblichus' Life of Pythagoras, or, Pythagoric life |
Icon and logos : sources in eighth-century iconoclasm |
Jousts of Aphrodite |
The chronicle of John Malalas |
The counsel of Manuel-Matthew Gabalas to Empress Eirene-Eulologia Palaiologina on her mourning over the death of Theoleptos, metropolitan of Philadelphia |
The Emperor Julian |
The essays on Euripides and George of Pisidia and on Heliodorus and Achilles Tatius |
The Fathers speak |
The first Christian histories |