Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 651 - 700 of 970
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BML Plut. 71.2 14th Philosophy Simplicius, Aristotle
BML Plut. 71.20 15th Philosophy John of Damascus
BML Plut. 71.23 15th Philosophy Aristotle, John Philoponus
BML Plut. 71.3 13th Philosophy Porphyry, Ammonius, Aristotle
BML Plut. 71.30 15th Philosophy Porphyry
BML Plut. 71.31 15th Philosophy John Philoponus, Aristotle
BML Plut. 71.32 14th Philosophy Porphyry
BML Plut. 71.33 14th Philosophy
BML Plut. 71.34 14th Philosophy
BML Plut. 71.35 13th Philosophy Porphyry
BML Plut. 71.5 15th Philosophy Simplicius, Aristotle
BML Plut. 71.7 15th Philosophy Aristotle, Porphyry
BML Plut. 71.8 15th Nicephorus Blemmydes
BML Plut. 72.1 13th Philosophy David, Porphyry
BML Plut. 72.10 14th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.11 15th Philosophy Alexander Aphrodisias, Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.12 13th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.13 15th Philosophy Alexander Aphrodisias, Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.14 13th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.15 14th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.16 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.17 14th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.18 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.19 14th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.2 16th Philosophy Alexander Aphrodisias, Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.20 14th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.21 15th Philosophy Dexippus, Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.22 13th Philosophy Ammonius, Porphyry
BML Plut. 72.23 13th Philosophy Ammonius, Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.24 14th Philosophy Themistius, Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.25 15th Philosophy Themistius, Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.26 13th Philosophy David, Porphyry
BML Plut. 72.3 12th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.4 13th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.5 14th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.6 15th Philosophy Alexander Aphrodisias, Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.7 13th Philosophy Ammonius, Porphyry
BML Plut. 72.8 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.9 15th Philosophy Alexander Aphrodisias, Aristotle
BML Plut. 74.1 15th Medicine Hippocrates
BML Plut. 74.10 14th Medicine Galen
BML Plut. 74.11 13th Medicine Hippocrates
BML Plut. 74.12 15th Medicine Galen
BML Plut. 74.13 15th Medicine Hippocrates
BML Plut. 74.14 15th Medicine Galen
BML Plut. 74.15 14th Medicine Oribasius
BML Plut. 74.16 14th Medicine Galen
BML Plut. 74.17 12th Medicine Oribasius
BML Plut. 74.18 14th Medicine Galen
BML Plut. 74.19 15th Medicine John of Damascus
