Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 601 - 650 of 970
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BML Plut. 7.6 14th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
BML Plut. 7.7 12th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
BML Plut. 7.8 10th, 11th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
BML Plut. 7.9 15th Theology
BML Plut. 70.1 14th History Arrian
BML Plut. 70.10 15th History Cassius Dio
BML Plut. 70.11 11th History George Hamartolos
BML Plut. 70.12 14th History Diodorus Siculus
BML Plut. 70.13 15th Rhetoric Eunapius
BML Plut. 70.14 16th Lexicon Hesychius
BML Plut. 70.15 15th History George Kodinos
BML Plut. 70.16 15th History Diodorus Siculus
BML Plut. 70.17 15th Grammar Herodian
BML Plut. 70.18 15th History Diodorus Siculus
BML Plut. 70.19 15th Rhetoric, Letters
BML Plut. 70.2 12th History Anna Comnena
BML Plut. 70.20 11th History Eusebius Pamphilius
BML Plut. 70.21 15th Grammar Herodian
BML Plut. 70.22 15th History Zosimus
BML Plut. 70.23 13th History Evagrius
BML Plut. 70.24 15th History Arrian
BML Plut. 70.25 15th Apollonius
BML Plut. 70.26 15th Appian
BML Plut. 70.27 11th Theology
BML Plut. 70.28 15th History Arrian
BML Plut. 70.29 15th History Herodotus
BML Plut. 70.3 10th History Herodotus
BML Plut. 70.30 15th History Arrian
BML Plut. 70.31 15th Maximus Planudes, Aesop
BML Plut. 70.32 15th History Herodotus
BML Plut. 70.33 15th History Appian
BML Plut. 70.34 15th History Arrian
BML Plut. 70.35 15th Herodotus, Homer
BML Plut. 70.36 15th Romance Heliodorus
BML Plut. 70.37 12th Romance Ps.-Callisthenes
BML Plut. 70.4 14th History John Zonaras
BML Plut. 70.5 15th History Appian
BML Plut. 70.6 14th History Herodotus
BML Plut. 70.7 10th History Eusebius Pamphilius
BML Plut. 70.8 10th History Cassius Dio
BML Plut. 70.9 14th History Arrian
BML Plut. 71.10 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 71.11 14th Philosophy Ammonius, Porphyry, Aristotle
BML Plut. 71.12 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 71.13 15th Philosophy Alexander Aphrodisias, Aristotle
BML Plut. 71.15 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 71.16 15th Philosophy Ignatius philosophus, Aristotle
BML Plut. 71.17 14th Philosophy Aristotle, Michael of Ephesus
BML Plut. 71.18 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 71.19 16th Philosophy Michael Psellus, Aristotle
