Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 901 - 950 of 3647
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
Bibliothèque municipale CGM 47 16th Psalter
Bibliothèque nationale universitaire 1896 16th Grammar Manuel Moschopoulos
Bibliothèque nationale universitaire 1899 16th Liturgy
Bibliothèque nationale universitaire 1900 16th Medicine
Bibliothèque nationale universitaire 1904 15th, 16th Theology, History Ps.-Dionysius, Symeon Archbishop of Thessaloniki
BM 375 16th Theology Nicetas Choniates, Anastasius Sinaita, John of Damascus, Origen, Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
BML Conv. Soppr. 21 16th Bible
BML Plut. 16.40 16th Nicolaus Hydruntinus
BML Plut. 28.33 16th Astronomy
BML Plut. 28.41 16th Theology Franciscus Portus
BML Plut. 31.24 16th Hesiod
BML Plut. 31.25 16th Euripides
BML Plut. 31.27 16th Oppianus
BML Plut. 31.35 15th, 16th Aristophanes
BML Plut. 31.36 15th, 16th Aristophanes
BML Plut. 32.21 16th Lucian
BML Plut. 32.25 15th, 16th Homer
BML Plut. 32.30 16th Homer
BML Plut. 32.34 16th Sophocles
BML Plut. 32.41 16th Pindar
BML Plut. 32.44 16th Pindar
BML Plut. 32.50 16th Homer
BML Plut. 56.23 16th Grammar, Rhetoric Manuel Moschopoulos
BML Plut. 56.28 16th Grammar, Rhetoric Manuel Moschopoulos
BML Plut. 57.17 16th Lexicon
BML Plut. 57.18 16th Grammar
BML Plut. 57.22 16th Demetrius Pepagomenus
BML Plut. 57.25 16th Grammar
BML Plut. 57.30 16th Stephanites and Ichnelates Aesop, Symeon Seth
BML Plut. 57.31 16th Military
BML Plut. 57.33 16th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.35 16th Grammar
BML Plut. 57.43 16th Lucian
BML Plut. 57.50 16th Lexicon
BML Plut. 57.52 16th Rhetoric Lysias
BML Plut. 58.7 16th Rhetoric, Art Philostratus
BML Plut. 59.18 16th Rhetoric Manuel Chrysoloras
BML Plut. 59.33 16th Grammar Aesop
BML Plut. 59.34 16th Epigrammata Demetrius Moschus
BML Plut. 59.42 16th Grammar Constantine Lascaris
BML Plut. 59.48 16th Grammar
BML Plut. 59.7 16th Rhetoric
BML Plut. 70.14 16th Lexicon Hesychius
BML Plut. 71.19 16th Philosophy Michael Psellus, Aristotle
BML Plut. 72.2 16th Philosophy Alexander Aphrodisias, Aristotle
BML Plut. 81.10 15th, 16th Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 81.22 16th Philosophy Epictetus
BML Plut. 86.11 16th Philosophy Asclepius, Aristotle
BML Plut. 86.32 15th, 16th Philosophy Ocellus Lucanus
BML Plut. 89.sup.77 16th Philosophy Aristotle
