Biblioteca Riccardiana 29 |
15th, 16th |
Geography |
Pausanias |
Biblioteca Riccardiana 57 |
16th |
Aristophanes |
Biblioteca Riccardiana 62 |
14th, 16th |
History, Poems, Rhetoric, Grammar |
Constantine Manasses, Theocritus, Homer, Demosthenes |
Biblioteca Universitaria 16 |
15th, 16th |
Philosophy |
Aristotle, Alexander Aphrodisias |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2212 |
16th |
Anthologion, Epigrammata |
Maximus Planudes |
Biblioteca Universitaria 223 |
15th, 16th |
Rhetoric, Letters |
Lysias, Plato, Aristides, Aeschines |
Biblioteca Universitaria 230 |
15th, 16th |
Literature |
Aesop, Homer, Theocritus |
Biblioteca Universitaria 235.1 |
16th |
Medicine |
Biblioteca Universitaria 236 |
16th |
Theology, Grammar |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2710 |
16th |
Theology |
Gregory of Nyssa, Anastasius Sinaita |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2711 |
16th |
Theology |
Nicephorus Blemmydes, Athanasius, Anastasius Sinaita |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2712 |
16th |
Theology, Church councils |
Athanasius, Ps.-Dionysius, Maximus the Confessor |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2713 |
16th |
Theology, Medicine |
Basil the Great, Theophilus Protospatharius, Symeon Seth |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2714 |
16th |
Theology |
Athanasius, Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2715 |
16th |
Theology, History |
Nicephorus Gregoras |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2716 |
16th |
Theology |
Michael Psellus, Nicholas Chamaetos Kabasilas |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2717 |
16th |
Theology, Rhetoric |
Symeon Archbishop of Thessaloniki, Julian Emperor of Rome |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2718 |
16th |
Philosophy, History |
Theodore Metochites |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2719 |
16th |
Philosophy, Barlaam and Joasaph |
John of Damascus |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2720 |
16th |
Canon law |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2721 |
16th |
Theology |
Cyril of Alexandria |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2723 |
16th |
Theology |
Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2724 |
16th |
Theology |
Macarius Chrysocephalus, Gregory of Nyssa |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2725 |
16th |
Canon law, Church councils, Theology |
Gregory of Nyssa |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2726 |
16th |
Canon law, Church councils |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2727 |
16th |
Canon law |
Theodore Balsamon, Gregory of Nyssa |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2728 |
16th |
Theology |
Gregory of Nyssa |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2729 |
16th |
Canon law, Law |
Theodore Balsamon, Photius |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2730 |
16th |
Poems, Military, Animals |
John Tzetzes, Oppianus |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2731 |
16th |
Canon law, Church councils |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2732 |
16th |
Canon law |
Demetrius Chomatenus, Constantine Harmenopoulos |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2733 |
16th |
Canon law, Church councils |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2734 |
16th |
Canon law |
Matthew Blastares |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2735 |
16th |
Military, Philosophy |
Leo VI the Wise, Sextus Empiricus |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2736 |
16th |
Theodore Prodromos |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2737 |
16th |
Law |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2739 |
16th |
Philosophy |
Plotinus |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2740 |
16th |
Canon law, Church councils |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2742 |
16th |
Theology |
Origen, George Codinus |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2743 |
16th |
Theology |
Manuel Kalekas |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2744 |
16th |
Theology |
Cyril of Alexandria |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2745 |
16th |
Theology |
Cyril of Alexandria |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2746 |
16th |
Theology |
Cyril of Alexandria |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2748 |
15th, 16th |
Rhetoric, Music |
Julian Emperor of Rome |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2749 |
16th |
Theology, Bible |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2750 |
16th |
History |
Procopius |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2751 |
16th |
Military, Rhetoric |
Leo VI the Wise, Julian Emperor of Rome |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2752 |
16th |
Theology |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2753 |
16th |
Philosophy, Theology |
Plato, Proclus, Julian Emperor of Rome |
Biblioteca Universitaria 2754 |
16th |
Theology |
Cyril of Alexandria |