Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 2451 - 2500 of 2535
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
U. Library Gr. 9 14th Bible, Illuminations
UB gr. 13 14th Theology Gregory Nazianzus, John Climacus
UB gr. 17 14th Theology Philagathus of Cerami
UB gr. 23 14th Liturgy Basil the Great
UB gr. 35 14th Oracula
UB gr. 38 14th Rhetoric Aristides, Plutarch, Libanius, Nicephorus Gregoras
UB gr. 39 14th Theology, Iconoclasm
UB gr. 45 14th Law
UB gr. 46 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th Law, Canon law
UB gr. 71 14th, 18th Theology, Canon law Isaac the Syrian
UB Mb 24 13th, 14th Grammar, Philosophy Manuel Moschopoulos, Aristotle, Porphyry
UB Mb 25 14th, 15th Canon law, Theology Basil the Great
UB Mb 32 14th Aristophanes
UB Mb 8 14th Grammar Manuel Moschopoulos
UB Pal. gr. 129 14th Misc.
UB Pal. gr. 18 14th Rhetoric Hesiod, Aeschylus, John Tzetzes, Euripides, Cleomedes, Lycophron
UB Pal. gr. 222 14th, 15th Homer
UB Pal. gr. 356 14th Rhetoric, Letters, Theology, Misc. Michael Psellus
UB Pal. gr. 40 14th Sophocles, Pindar, Homer, John Tzetzes
UB Pal. gr. 45 14th Homer
UB Pal. gr. 85 14th Nonnus
UB Rep. I 43 14th Aeschylus
UB Rep. I 44a 14th Sophocles
UB Rep. I 66 14th Law
UB Rep. I 68b 14th Harmonics Nicomachus of Gerasa
Union Theo. Sem. Burke Library MS 69 14th Bible
Universitätsbibliothek I.1.2° 1 13th, 14th Barlaam and Joasaph, Romance
Universiteitsbibliotheek 1.E.1 dl 10 13th, 14th Theology Sophronius
Universiteitsbibliotheek 1.E.1 dl 11 13th, 14th Theology Maximus the Confessor
Universiteitsbibliotheek 1.E.1 dl 2 13th, 14th Theology
Universiteitsbibliotheek 1.E.1 dl 3 13th, 14th Theology Leontius Byzantinus
Universiteitsbibliotheek 1.E.1 dl 4 13th, 14th Theology Gregory Thaumaturgus
Universiteitsbibliotheek 1.E.1 dl 5 13th, 14th Theology
Universiteitsbibliotheek 1.E.1 dl 6 13th, 14th Theology Cyril of Alexandria
Universiteitsbibliotheek 1.E.1 dl 7 13th, 14th Theology Eustratius
Universiteitsbibliotheek 1.E.1 dl 8 13th, 14th Theology
Universiteitsbibliotheek 1.E.1 dl 9 13th, 14th Theology
University Library Gr. 1 9th, 10th, 14th, 15th Geography Dionysius Periegetes, Eustathios of Thessaloniki
University Library Gr. 3 14th Bible
University Library Gr. 4 14th Saints lives
University of Michigan Library MS 173d 14th Gospel lectionary
University of Michigan Library MS 196 14th Gospel lectionary
University of Michigan Library MS 23a 14th Bible
University of Michigan Library MS 28 14th Gospel lectionary
University of Michigan Library MS 31 14th Gospel lectionary
University of Michigan Library MS 32 14th Gospel lectionary
University of Michigan Library MS 33 14th Gospel lectionary
University of Michigan Library MS 34 14th Bible
University of Michigan Library MS 35 14th Gospel lectionary
University of Michigan Library MS 8 14th Gospel lectionary
