Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 2151 - 2200 of 2535
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 132 14th Theology
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 135 14th
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 136 14th
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 137 14th
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 139 14th Bible
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 150 14th Philosophy Aristotle
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 167 14th Theology
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 171 14th Theology
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 177 14th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 178 14th Theology, Saints lives, Barlaam and Joasaph, Romance Basil the Great
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 285 14th
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 405 14th Medicine
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 425 14th Anthologion
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 462 14th Bible
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 510 14th Philosophy Simplicius, Aristotle
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 517 14th Liturgy John Chrysostom
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 518 14th Liturgy Basil the Great
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 520 13th, 14th Liturgy John Chrysostom
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 522 14th
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 58 13th, 14th, 15th
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 61 14th Anthologion
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 640 14th Hymns
Patriarchal Library Panagios Taphos 79 14th, 15th Libanius, Herodotus
Patriarchal Library Photios 47 14th Theology John Chrysostom
Patriarchal Library Photios 53 13th, 14th Gospel lectionary
Princeton UL MS 19 14th Theology John Climacus
RGB Fond 173 I 339 (gr. 131) 14th, 15th Contra Iudaeos
RGB Fond 173 I 369.1 (gr. 176) 14th, 16th Triodion
RGB Fond 201 21 (gr. 117) 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
RGB Fond 201 24 (gr. 149) 13th, 14th Philosophy Aristotle, Simplicius
RGB Fond 270 10 (gr. 14) 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th Liturgy, Bible
RGB Fond 270 36 (gr. 49) 14th, 16th, 17th Letters
RGB Fond 270 64 (gr. 114) 14th, 15th Saints lives Athanasius
RGB Fond 270 67 (gr. 130) 14th, 15th Theology John of Damascus
RGB Fond 270 68 (gr. 129) 14th, 15th Theology, Saints lives Ephraem, John Chrysostom
RGB Fond 304 III 26 14th Gospel lectionary
RGB Fond 87 61 (gr. 113) 14th Theology
Riksarkivet E 8996 14th, 16th Letters Libanius
Riksarkivet E 9014 13th, 14th Philosophy Aristotle
Royal Library E. don. var. 12 14th Theology John Chrysostom, Basil the Great, Athanasius
Royal Library E. don. var. 13 14th Theology Basil the Great, Gregory Nazianzus
Royal Library Fabricius 75 13th, 14th Anthologion, Animals, Poems Aelian, Paul Silentiarios, Manuel Moschopoulos, Marcus Aurelius
Royal Library GKS 19 14th Theology Basil the Great
Royal Library NKS 4960 14th Sticherarion
Sächsische LB A 66b 14th, 15th Bible
Sächsische LB A 85 14th History Eusebius of Caesarea, Socrates Scholasticus
Sächsische LB Da 38 14th Lexicon John Zonaras
Sächsische LB Da 40 14th Epigrammata
Sächsische LB Da 46 14th, 16th Rhetoric, Theology Isocrates
Sächsische LB Da 55 14th Philosophy Epictetus
