On Aristotle On the heavens 2.10-14 |
On Aristotle On the soul 1.1-2 |
On Aristotle On the soul 1.1-2 |
On Aristotle On the soul 2.1-6 |
On Aristotle On the soul 2.1-6 |
On Aristotle On the soul 2.7-12 |
On the human condition |
The acts of the Council of Chalcedon |
The essential Philip of Macedon |
The history of Leo the Deacon |
The life of Apollonius of Tyana |
The pictorial cycles of the Akathistos hymn for the Virgin |
Urbicius' Epitedeuma |
A Byzantine visit to Bergen : Laskaris Kananos and his description of the Baltic and North Sea region |
A feast for the senses |
A translation and historical commentary on book one and book two of the Historia of Georgios Pachymeres |
Against Proclus on the eternity of the world 1-5 |
Alexander the monk, Discovery of the True Cross |
Chronicles of the Crusades |
Commentary on the twelve minor prophets |
Drosilla and Charikles |
Hē halōsis tēs Kōnstantinoupoleōs |
On Aristotle On the heavens 1.5-9 |
On Aristotle On the heavens 2.1-9 |
Paul of Monembasia, Historia animae utilis, BHG 1449d, cod. Vat. Gr. 57 |
Questions and answers for physicians |
Romanos's kontakion On Elijah |
Saint Macarius, the spiritbearer |
Selected letters of Libanius |
St. John Chrysostom |
Symeon the New Theologian, Epistle 2 |
Testimonies against the Jews |
The 60 martyrs of Gaza and the martyrdom of Bishop Sophronius of Jerusalem |
The life of Evagrius |
The life of Macarius of Alexandria |
The life of Macarius of Egypt |
The life of Pambo |
The liturgical typikon of Symeon of Sinai |
The modesty topos and John of Damascus as a not-so-modest author |
The tale of Daniel's sister |
Twenty-five questions to corner the Jews |
Two catecheses on the office of monastic tonsure |
A Byzantine instructional manual on siege defense |
A byzantine traveller to one of the crusader states |
A collection of mathematical problems in Cod. Ups. Gr.8 |
A homily in praise of Saint Procopius |
A homily in praise of Stephen the first martyr |
A homily on Julian the martyr |
A homily on Phocas |
A homily on Stephen the first martyr |