Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 301 - 350 of 880
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BML Plut. 56.25 15th Rhetoric, History, Philosophy Plutarch
BML Plut. 56.26 15th Grammar, Rhetoric Manuel Moschopoulos
BML Plut. 56.27 15th Grammar, Rhetoric Manuel Moschopoulos
BML Plut. 56.28 16th Grammar, Rhetoric Manuel Moschopoulos
BML Plut. 56.4 15th Rhetoric, History, Philosophy Plutarch
BML Plut. 56.5 14th Rhetoric, History, Philosophy Plutarch
BML Plut. 56.6 15th Grammar, Rhetoric Manuel Moschopoulos
BML Plut. 56.7 15th Rhetoric, History, Philosophy Plutarch
BML Plut. 56.8 15th Grammar, Rhetoric Manuel Moschopoulos
BML Plut. 57.14 15th Rhetoric
BML Plut. 57.19 14th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.20 15th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.21 14th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.23 14th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.27 14th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.33 16th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.34 15th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.4 15th Rhetoric Lysias
BML Plut. 57.44 10th Rhetoric Libanius
BML Plut. 57.45 15th Rhetoric Lysias
BML Plut. 57.47 14th Letters, Rhetoric, Grammar Libanius
BML Plut. 57.49 15th Rhetoric, Grammar
BML Plut. 57.5 14th Rhetoric Hermogenes, John Doxopatres, Gregory Pardus
BML Plut. 57.52 16th Rhetoric Lysias
BML Plut. 58.12 15th Rhetoric Isocrates
BML Plut. 58.13 15th Rhetoric, Mythology, Astronomy Lucius Annaeus Cornutus, John Lydus
BML Plut. 58.14 15th Rhetoric Isocrates
BML Plut. 58.17 15th Rhetoric Philostratus
BML Plut. 58.18 15th Rhetoric, Art Philostratus
BML Plut. 58.2 15th Rhetoric Ioseph Rhacendytus
BML Plut. 58.20 15th Rhetoric, Philosophy Aristotle
BML Plut. 58.21 15th Rhetoric Ioseph Rhacendytus
BML Plut. 58.22 15th Rhetoric Aristides
BML Plut. 58.23 15th Rhetoric, Art Philostratus
BML Plut. 58.24 14th Rhetoric Hermogenes
BML Plut. 58.31 14th Misc., Rhetoric, Philosophy
BML Plut. 58.32 12th Rhetoric, Art Philostratus
BML Plut. 58.5 15th Rhetoric Isocrates
BML Plut. 58.7 16th Rhetoric, Art Philostratus
BML Plut. 59.10 15th Rhetoric Demosthenes
BML Plut. 59.11 15th Rhetoric Dionysius Halicarnasseus
BML Plut. 59.12 14th Letters, Rhetoric, Poems Michael Choniates, Theophylact of Ochrid
BML Plut. 59.15 12th Rhetoric Dionysius Halicarnasseus
BML Plut. 59.18 16th Rhetoric Manuel Chrysoloras
BML Plut. 59.19 15th Rhetoric Demosthenes
BML Plut. 59.20 15th Rhetoric
BML Plut. 59.22 14th Rhetoric Dio Chrysostomus
BML Plut. 59.24 15th Letters, Rhetoric
BML Plut. 59.25 15th Rhetoric Demosthenes
BML Plut. 59.27 14th Rhetoric Demosthenes
