Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 51 - 100 of 252
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
Biblioteca Vallicelliana R 32 12th, 13th Hymns, Liturgy
BML Plut. 11.12 15th Liturgy, Hymns, Theology Ephraem
BN Coislin 219 14th Hymns Theodore Prodromos, John Zonaras, John of Damascus
BN Coislin 220 11th Hymns Andrew of Crete, John of Damascus
BN Coislin 222 14th Hymns John of Damascus
BN Coislin 366 14th Hymns Theodore Prodromos, John of Damascus
BN Coislin 369 11th Hymns, Theology Romanus Melodus, John Moschus
BN Coislin 40 14th Liturgy, Hymns
BN Grec 106A 13th Bible, Hymns, Synaxarion
BN Grec 1277 13th Theology, Poems, Letters, Hymns Basil the Great, Theodore Prodromos, Gregory Nazianzus, George of Pisidia, Symeon Metaphrastes, Theophylact of Ochrid, Maximus the Confessor
BN Grec 1782 14th History, Constantinople, Theology, Letters, Poems, Hymns George Codinus, Leo VI the Wise, Gregory Nazianzus, Maximus the Confessor, Athanasius, Epiphanius, Gregory of Cyprus, Michael Psellus
BN Grec 242 11th, 12th Hymns, Music, Liturgy Leo VI the Wise, Symeon the New Theologian
BN Grec 244 12th Hymns
BN Grec 271 17th Hymns
BN Grec 2763 15th Hymns, Poems Proclus, Homer, Hesiod, Musaeus Grammaticus, Theocritus
BN Grec 2765 15th Hymns Proclus, Homer, Moschus
BN Grec 2853 16th Geography, Hymns, Poems Dionysius Periegetes, Homer, Theodore Prodromos, John of Damascus
BN Grec 343 15th Hymns
BN Grec 354 13th Hymns
BN Grec 359 14th Hymns
BN Grec 361 14th Music, Hymns
BN Grec 371 16th Hymns Andrew of Crete
BN Grec 39 13th Theology, Hymns Gregory Nazianzus
BN Grec 398 13th Hymns Christopher of Mytilene
BN Grec 405 17th Hymns
BN Supplément grec 103 14th Hymns Symeon the New Theologian
BN Supplément grec 1046 18th Hymns
BN Supplément grec 1135 18th Hymns
BN Supplément grec 1136 19th Hymns
BN Supplément grec 1139 18th Hymns
BN Supplément grec 1140 19th Hymns, Heirmologion
BN Supplément grec 1141 18th Hymns John of Damascus, Aesop
BN Supplément grec 1146 16th Hymns, Grammar, Lexicon, Rhetoric John of Damascus, John Philoponus, Demosthenes, Cyril of Alexandria, Dionysius Thrax
BN Supplément grec 1171 17th Hymns, Music
BN Supplément grec 1172 17th Hymns
BN Supplément grec 1272 15th Hymns, Psalter, Menologion
BN Supplément grec 1302 17th, 18th Hymns, Liturgy
BN Supplément grec 132 16th Hymns
BN Supplément grec 1320 19th Hymns
BN Supplément grec 1321 17th, 18th Hymns, Liturgy
BN Supplément grec 1332 18th Hymns
BN Supplément grec 1333 18th Hymns Cassia
BN Supplément grec 477 19th Liturgy, Hymns
BN Supplément grec 544 16th Hymns, Theology Gregory Pardus
BN Supplément grec 606 12th Hymns
BNE 17921 18th Hymns, Liturgy Romanus Melodus, Theodore Lascaris, Manuel Philes
BNE 4562 15th Hymns Constantine Lascaris, Homer, Callimachus, Proclus
BR BPG 74C 15th Hymns Homer
British Library Add MS 17473 15th Hymns, Theology
British Library Add MS 17718 19th Music, Hymns
