Biblioteca Vallicelliana R 32 |
12th, 13th |
Hymns, Liturgy |
BML Plut. 11.12 |
15th |
Liturgy, Hymns, Theology |
Ephraem |
BN Coislin 219 |
14th |
Hymns |
Theodore Prodromos, John Zonaras, John of Damascus |
BN Coislin 220 |
11th |
Hymns |
Andrew of Crete, John of Damascus |
BN Coislin 222 |
14th |
Hymns |
John of Damascus |
BN Coislin 366 |
14th |
Hymns |
Theodore Prodromos, John of Damascus |
BN Coislin 369 |
11th |
Hymns, Theology |
Romanus Melodus, John Moschus |
BN Coislin 40 |
14th |
Liturgy, Hymns |
BN Grec 106A |
13th |
Bible, Hymns, Synaxarion |
BN Grec 1277 |
13th |
Theology, Poems, Letters, Hymns |
Basil the Great, Theodore Prodromos, Gregory Nazianzus, George of Pisidia, Symeon Metaphrastes, Theophylact of Ochrid, Maximus the Confessor |
BN Grec 1782 |
14th |
History, Constantinople, Theology, Letters, Poems, Hymns |
George Codinus, Leo VI the Wise, Gregory Nazianzus, Maximus the Confessor, Athanasius, Epiphanius, Gregory of Cyprus, Michael Psellus |
BN Grec 242 |
11th, 12th |
Hymns, Music, Liturgy |
Leo VI the Wise, Symeon the New Theologian |
BN Grec 244 |
12th |
Hymns |
BN Grec 271 |
17th |
Hymns |
BN Grec 2763 |
15th |
Hymns, Poems |
Proclus, Homer, Hesiod, Musaeus Grammaticus, Theocritus |
BN Grec 2765 |
15th |
Hymns |
Proclus, Homer, Moschus |
BN Grec 2853 |
16th |
Geography, Hymns, Poems |
Dionysius Periegetes, Homer, Theodore Prodromos, John of Damascus |
BN Grec 343 |
15th |
Hymns |
BN Grec 354 |
13th |
Hymns |
BN Grec 359 |
14th |
Hymns |
BN Grec 361 |
14th |
Music, Hymns |
BN Grec 371 |
16th |
Hymns |
Andrew of Crete |
BN Grec 39 |
13th |
Theology, Hymns |
Gregory Nazianzus |
BN Grec 398 |
13th |
Hymns |
Christopher of Mytilene |
BN Grec 405 |
17th |
Hymns |
BN Supplément grec 103 |
14th |
Hymns |
Symeon the New Theologian |
BN Supplément grec 1046 |
18th |
Hymns |
BN Supplément grec 1135 |
18th |
Hymns |
BN Supplément grec 1136 |
19th |
Hymns |
BN Supplément grec 1139 |
18th |
Hymns |
BN Supplément grec 1140 |
19th |
Hymns, Heirmologion |
BN Supplément grec 1141 |
18th |
Hymns |
John of Damascus, Aesop |
BN Supplément grec 1146 |
16th |
Hymns, Grammar, Lexicon, Rhetoric |
John of Damascus, John Philoponus, Demosthenes, Cyril of Alexandria, Dionysius Thrax |
BN Supplément grec 1171 |
17th |
Hymns, Music |
BN Supplément grec 1172 |
17th |
Hymns |
BN Supplément grec 1272 |
15th |
Hymns, Psalter, Menologion |
BN Supplément grec 1302 |
17th, 18th |
Hymns, Liturgy |
BN Supplément grec 132 |
16th |
Hymns |
BN Supplément grec 1320 |
19th |
Hymns |
BN Supplément grec 1321 |
17th, 18th |
Hymns, Liturgy |
BN Supplément grec 1332 |
18th |
Hymns |
BN Supplément grec 1333 |
18th |
Hymns |
Cassia |
BN Supplément grec 477 |
19th |
Liturgy, Hymns |
BN Supplément grec 544 |
16th |
Hymns, Theology |
Gregory Pardus |
BN Supplément grec 606 |
12th |
Hymns |
BNE 17921 |
18th |
Hymns, Liturgy |
Romanus Melodus, Theodore Lascaris, Manuel Philes |
BNE 4562 |
15th |
Hymns |
Constantine Lascaris, Homer, Callimachus, Proclus |
BR BPG 74C |
15th |
Hymns |
Homer |
British Library Add MS 17473 |
15th |
Hymns, Theology |
British Library Add MS 17718 |
19th |
Music, Hymns |