Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 51 - 100 of 776
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BAV Ott. gr. 108 16th History Eusebius of Caesarea
BAV Ott. gr. 111 16th History John Xiphilin
BAV Ott. gr. 116 16th, 17th History Constantine Manasses
BAV Ott. gr. 118 17th History Cedrenus
BAV Ott. gr. 131 17th History Anna Comnena
BAV Ott. gr. 193 16th, 17th Rhetoric, History, Geography Demosthenes, Cassius Dio, Dionysius Periegetes
BAV Ott. gr. 211 15th History Thucydides
BAV Ott. gr. 260 16th, 17th Letters, Philosophy, Theology, History Maximus Planudes, Gennadios II Scholarios, Isidore of Pelusium, Aristotle, George Sphrantzes, Procopius of Gaza
BAV Ott. gr. 276 17th History, Politics Julian Emperor of Rome
BAV Ott. gr. 324 15th History, Poems Constantine Manasses, Theodore Prodromos, John Tzetzes
BAV Ott. gr. 340 16th History John Skylitzes
BAV Ott. gr. 361 15th History John Skylitzes
BAV Ott. gr. 50 15th History Polybius
BAV Ott. gr. 67 15th History Arrian
BAV Ott. gr. 71 17th History Nicephorus Gregoras
BAV Ott. gr. 72 17th History Nicephorus Gregoras
BAV Ott. gr. 82 14th, 15th History Agathias
BAV Pal. gr. 124 14th History Constantine Manasses
BAV Pal. gr. 133 15th Letters, History Phalaris, Thucydides
BAV Pal. gr. 134 15th History, Rhetoric, Letters Aelian, Lucian, Euripides, Phalaris, Isocrates, Dionysius Halicarnasseus
BAV Pal. gr. 14 10th History Flavius Josephus
BAV Pal. gr. 140 14th History Xenophon
BAV Pal. gr. 152 14th Theology, History Philo, Herodotus, Isaac the Syrian, John Cassian
BAV Pal. gr. 176 15th History Herodotus
BAV Pal. gr. 184 15th History Xenophon
BAV Pal. gr. 185 15th History Thucydides
BAV Pal. gr. 202 16th History John Zonaras
BAV Pal. gr. 215 15th History Herodotus
BAV Pal. gr. 256 15th History, Law, Canon law, Philosophy Arrian, Ammonius, Aristotle, Constantine Harmenopoulos, Matthew Blastares, Porphyry
BAV Pal. gr. 266 15th History Laonicus Chalcocondyles
BAV Pal. gr. 268 14th History Eusebius of Caesarea
BAV Pal. gr. 271 13th History John Zonaras
BAV Pal. gr. 284 10th, 11th History Flavius Josephus
BAV Pal. gr. 286 15th History Plutarch
BAV Pal. gr. 301 16th History, Politics, Constantinople George Codinus
BAV Pal. gr. 305 15th History Thucydides
BAV Pal. gr. 307 15th, 16th History Zosimus
BAV Pal. gr. 332 15th, 16th History Herodotus
BAV Pal. gr. 360 15th Philosophy, History, Rhetoric Porphyry, Libanius, Aelian, Manuel Moschopoulos, Michael Apostolius
BAV Pal. gr. 367 13th, 15th Liturgy, Mathematics, History, Theology Christopher of Mytilene
BAV Pal. gr. 38 12th, 13th, 14th History
BAV Pal. gr. 383 pt. B 13th History Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
BAV Pal. gr. 390 16th History, Harmonics Appian, Ptolemy
BAV Pal. gr. 394 16th History John Malalas
BAV Pal. gr. 395 16th History George Syncellus, Theophanes Confessor
BAV Pal. gr. 396 16th History Laonicus Chalcocondyles
BAV Pal. gr. 397 16th History Constantine Manasses
BAV Pal. gr. 410 16th History Polybius, Appian, Flavius Josephus, Theophylact Simocatta, Procopius
BAV Pal. gr. 411 16th History Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, Appian, Polybius, Eunapius
BAV Pal. gr. 412 16th Politics, History Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus
