Princeton Unversity Library

Displaying 1201 - 1250 of 1326
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
U of Chicago Library 1342 12th Gospel lectionary, Bible
U of Chicago Library 135 14th Bible
U of Chicago Library 136 14th Bible
U of Chicago Library 137 14th Bible
U of Chicago Library 138 14th Bible
U of Chicago Library 141 12th Bible
U of Chicago Library 142 12th Bible
U of Chicago Library 166 15th Liturgy, Hymns
U of Chicago Library 202 13th Bible
U of Chicago Library 232 13th Bible
U of Chicago Library 277 16th Euchologion, Liturgy
U of Chicago Library 46 14th Bible
U of Chicago Library 50 13th Gospel lectionary, Bible
U of Chicago Library 62 13th Bible
U of Chicago Library 702 10th Gospel lectionary, Bible
U of Chicago Library 715 13th Gospel lectionary, Bible
U of Chicago Library 727 13th Bible
U of Chicago Library 828 12th Bible
U of Chicago Library 879 13th Gospel lectionary, Bible
U of Chicago Library 902 13th Bible
U of Chicago Library 922 12th Bible
U of Chicago Library 931 17th Bible
U of Chicago Library 937 14th Gospel lectionary, Bible
U of Chicago Library 938 11th Menologion, Liturgy
U of Chicago Library 939 13th Gospel lectionary, Bible
U of Chicago Library 943 12th Bible
U of Chicago Library 947 11th Gospel lectionary, Bible
U of Chicago Library 948 12th Gospel lectionary, Bible
U of Chicago Library 965 12th Bible
U of Chicago Library 972 19th Bible
U of Texas, Henry Ransom Center HRC 24 13th Bible
U. of Pennsylvania Library Ms. Codex 138 18th Rhetoric
U. of Pennsylvania Library Ms. Codex 139 18th, 19th Canon law
U. of Pennsylvania Library Ms. Codex 140 17th, 18th Anthologion
Universitätsbibliothek MS.A 2 11th Hieratikon mikron
University of Glasgow Library MS Hunter 170 16th Bible
University of Glasgow Library MS Hunter 405 12th Gospel lectionary
University of Glasgow Library MS Hunter 406 12th Gospel lectionary
University of Glasgow Library MS Hunter 419 12th Gospel lectionary
University of Glasgow Library MS Hunter 440 13th Gospel lectionary
University of Glasgow Library MS Hunter 475 11th Bible
University of Glasgow Library MS Hunter 476 13th Bible
University of Michigan Library Inv. 4942 8th Gospel lectionary
University of Michigan Library MS 100 16th Gospel lectionary
University of Michigan Library MS 124 7th, 8th Gospel lectionary
University of Michigan Library MS 130 16th Gospel lectionary
University of Michigan Library MS 133 13th Gospel lectionary
University of Michigan Library MS 15 12th Bible
University of Michigan Library MS 151 13th Bible
University of Michigan Library MS 16 12th Bible
