Prisciani Caesariensis De laude Anastasii imperatoris |
Disputatio of the Latin and Greeks, 1234 |
The deeds of the Neapolitan Bishops |
Barlaam of Seminara on Stoic ethics |
The visual culture of later Byzantium (c.1081-c.1350) |
Las vidas de Constantino-Cirilo y Metodio de Tesalonica |
Komes Marcellin vir clarissimus |
L’invention du protomartyr Etienne |
A newly-discovered treatise from the School of Alexandria. Cosmas of Alexandria |
Konstantinopel 1204 |
Abrege de l’histoire des nestoriens et des eutychiens |
“Винаги това което е минало, е по-добро!” |
Bulgarians by birth |
The Rabbula Corpus |
Дубровнишки документи за историята на България и българите през ХІІІ–ХV век. |
Хайтон от Корикос и неговия трактат “Цвете на историите на Източната земя” (История на татарите) |
Alexandre le Grand et les Brahmanes |
Reçu de blé pour les annones des bis electi et des numides |
Answers to King Khosroes of Persia |
The Codex of Justinian |
Joannida. Pochwała Justyna |
Oeuvres |
Донесения о посольстве в Константинополь |
Житие преподобной Мелании |
Разплата. История на Отон. Пратеничество в Константинопол |
An English translation and commentary on Origo Constantini imperatoris |
Die Pachom-Briefe |
Żołnierz i poeta V wieku |
Costantinopoli “intorno al 1204” in alcune fonte letterarie |
The ‘Alexandrian World Chronicle’ |
Еще раз о загадках Origo Constantini Imperatoris |
Anonymi Descriptio Europae Orientalis |
An Alexandrian world chronicle |
Apocalypse |
Quellen zur Geschichte der byzantinischen Krim |
Halōsē 1453 |
The book of the secrets of the faithful of the cross |
Letters from the East |
Philologischer, historischer und liturgischer Kommentar zum 8. Buch der Johannis des Goripp |
Priscians Darstellung der lateinischen Konjunktionen |
Medieval Italy |
Priscians Darstellung der lateinischen Pronomina |
Priscians Darstellung der lateinischen Präpositionen |
La Johannide ou sur les guerres de Libye |
Pope Nicholas V and the aborted crusade of 1452-1453 to rescue Constantinople from the Turks |
Commentary on Psalms 1-81 |
Chronicles of the Crusades |
Trois études sur la providence Proclus |
Exegesis and empire in the early Byzantine Mediterranean |
The two cities |