A medieval case for Islam's superiority |
The visual culture of later Byzantium (c.1081-c.1350) |
Zād al-musāfir wa-qūt al-ḥāḍir |
Notitia de locis sanctis |
Martyrium Arethae Arabice |
The first Arabic annals |
The Life of Christopher |
Constantinople chez Abū l-Makārim (m. ap. 1209) |
Doutes sur Galien |
“Винаги това което е минало, е по-добро!” |
Remarks on the textual contribution of the Coptic Codices preserving the Canons of Saint Basil |
The presanctified liturgy of the apostle Mark in Sinai Arabic 237 |
Saint Jean, higoumène de Scété |
Diplomacy in the early Islamic world |
Khalifa ibn Khayyat’s History on the Umayyad Dynasty (660–750) |
The martyrdom of Athanasius of Klysma, a Saint from the Egyptian desert |
Theophilus of Edessa's Chronicle and the circulation of historical knowledge in late antiquity and early Islam |
Critique of Christian origins |
Medieval Italy |
The age of the dromōn |
The description of Antioch in Abu al-Makarim's History of the Churches and Monasteries of Egypt and Some Neighbouring Countries |
Questions and answers for physicians |
Life of Stephen of Mar Sabas |
The Sāsānids, the Byzantines, the Lakhmids, and Yemen |
Tārīkh al-Anṭākī |
Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera |
Magika logia tōn apo Zōroastrou magōn |
Chronicles of the Crusades |
Versiones orientales, repertorium ibericum et studia ad editiones curandas edita a Bernard Coulie |
Die arabische Ecloga |
Marvazi on the Byzantines |
Un document concernant les Melkites et les Latins d’Antioche au temps de Croisades |
Zum Papyrusprotokoll in früharabischer Zeit |
Traités religieux, philosophiques et moraux, extraits des oeuvres d'Isaac de Ninive par Ibn as-Salt |
Harun-Ibn-Yahya and his description of Constantinople |
The commentary of Pappus on book X of Euclid's Elements Arabic text and translation by William Thomson ; with introductory remarks, notes, and glossary of technical terms by Gustav Junge and William Thomson |
The canons of Athanasius of Alexandria |