Nebeský žebřík |
Two hundred chapters on theology |
Writings on iconoclasm |
Abhandlungen zur Askese |
Мариология Феофана Никейского в контексте византийской богословской традиции VII–XIV вв. |
Apoftegme din Pateric păstrate doar in limba coptă sahidică |
Staroruskie Słowo o Mądrości przypisywane Cyrylowi z Turowa |
Baptême et communion des jeunes enfants |
Quand Jean parle de Pierre |
Opere dogmatiche |
Sermone intorno all’immagine edessenica |
Ancoratus |
Contra Eunomium III |
Guide for a church under Islām |
Michael Psellos on Symeon the Metaphrast and on the Miracle at Blachernae |
On the difficulties in the Church Fathers |
The Acts of the Lateran Synod of 649 |
The earliest non-mystical Jewish use of Iao |
Three Christological treatises |
Die Pachom-Briefe |
Йоханнан Бар Зо‘би и его ≪Истолкование таин≫ |
Panarion-ul Sfântului Epifanie, capitolul 79 |
Vindecând o rană |
Dialogue avec un moine contre les Latins (1442) |
Homélies sur l'impuissance du diable |
I manoscritti e il testo di quattro Ἕτερα κεφάλαια |
"How, why and when the Italians were separated from the Orthodox Christians” |
A review of Logos 38 of Nikon of the Black Mountain |
In Michaelem |
Light on the mountain |
The Discourses of Philoxenos of Mabbug |
The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis, Books II and III, De fide |
Three unpublished texts on Christ’s unique will and operation from the Syriac florilegium in the ms. London, British Library, Add. 14535 |
Treasury |
De fide orthodoxa |
Sobre las imágenes sagradas |
Asketische Schriften |
Die Anfänge des Melitianischen Schismas |
Konstantin, Rede an die Versammlung der Heiligen |
Mowy przeciw arianom I–III |
Homélies |
La vie et l'oeuvre théologique de Georges Grégoire II de Chypre, 1241-1290, patriarche de Constantinople |
The life of the Virgin |
Der Mönchsspiegel, der Nonnenspiegel, Ermahnungen an Mönche |
Questions and answers |
The case against Diodore and Theodore |
Omilie la Botezul Domnului |
La foi orthodoxe 1-44 |
I nomi divini = De divinis nominibus |
La risurrezione |