Politics, philosophy, and humor at the Byzantine court |
Stock characters speaking |
Tome 1, Discours I–IV, les heritiers de Constantin |
Teodorosu Metokitesu “Nikaia shosan enzetsu” kaidai to hon’yaku |
El encomio a Ignacio de Miguel Sincelo (BHG 818) |
Gregorii Antiochi opera : Orationes et epistulae |
Retorica e dinamiche del potere ad Antiochia nel IV secolo |
Theosteriktos : a funeral oration on our holy Father and confessor Niketas |
Κειμενα για την Ελλαδα στην περιοδο των Κομνηνων |
L'Apologie des mimes |
Discours et fragments |
Encomio del vino, Laus vini |
Nicholas Kallikles’ epitaph for the sebastos Roger |
Eulogy (sic) for a “Father of the City” |
Progymnasmata |
An unpublished funerary speech (CPG 2936) and the question of succession to St. Basil the Great |
Not composed in a chance manner : the Epitaphios for Manuel I Komnenos |
Κυνὸς ἐγκώμιον |
Elogio del cane |
Le demegorie protrettiche di Constantino VII Porfirogenito |
Between city and school |
Psellos and the patriarchs |
An den Senat und das Volk der Athener |
Symeon I Wielki w źródłach starobułgarskich X wieku (Kilka uwag) |
Discours et fragments |
Eloge de Gregoire le Thaumaturge; Eloge de Basile |
Żołnierz i poeta V wieku |
Empress Piroska-Eirene’s Collaborators in the Foundation of the Pantokrator Monastery : The Testimony of Nikolaos Kataphloron |
Secular orations 1167/8 to 1179 |
A rhetorical declamation of Sophonias the monk and paraphrast |
A los jóvenes |
Für Religionsfreiheit, Recht und Toleranz |
Mowa pogrzebowa na cześć Ojca |
Coricio di Gaza, XVII (= decl. 4) F.-R .: Milziade |
Due orazioni funebri (orr. VII-VIII Foerster, Richtsteig) |
Rose di Gaza |
Oration XIII |
Two praises of the Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos |
Aus der literarischen Werkstatt des Michael Apostoles |
Autobiographische Rede an Kaiser Johannes V. Palaiologos, Herbst 1371 |
L'epitaffio per Giuliano |
Un autore spirituale sconosciuto del X secolo |
Ioannis Antiocheni fragmenta quae supersunt omnia |
Rhetorical exercises from late antiquity |
Dyo parainetika keimena pros ton autokratora Leonta 6. ton sophon |
Panégyrique des saints Cyr et Jean Sophrone de Jérusalem |
Epitafio |
Festal orations |
Panégyrique 1 |
Catechesi-epitafio per la madre Teodoro Studita |