Nel deserto accanto ai fratelli |
Lives of the Monks of Palestine |
The life of Michael the Synkellos |
Ho vios tēs hosiomyrovlytidos Theodōras tēs en Thessalonikē |
Logos eis ton thaumaston kai isangelon vion tou Hosiou kai theophorou Patros hēmōn Petrou tou Athōnitou |
Antonios liv |
Discours sur Babylas |
La Passion inédite de S. Athénogène de Pédachthoé en Cappadoce (BHG 197b) introduction, édition, traduction par Pierre Maraval |
Vita |
Vita |
Vita |
Vita |
Vita |
Vita |
Vita |
Vita di Andrea Salos |
Vita di Simeone Salos |
Life |
The encomium of S. Pancratius of Taormina by Gregory the Pagurite |
Antoine le grand, père des moines |
Vita di Santa Macrina |
Dialogue sur la vie de Jean Chrysostome |
Vie |
Vie |
Vie |
La vita di S. Macrina |
La vita di S. Macrina |
Vita di Gregorio Taumaturgo |
An encomium of Leontius Monachus on the birthday of John the Baptist ( BHG 864f) |
La vie d'Euthyme de Sardes |
Les récits édifiants de Paul, évèque de Monembasie, et d'autres auteurs introduction et texte par John Wortley |
The Life of Saint Nikon |
Holy women of the Syrian Orient |
The life and martyrdom of Saint Anastasia and those who were martyred with her |
Vita Antonii |
Saints de Byzance et du Proche-Orient |
The life of St. Irene, Abbess of Chrysobalanton |
Life of Clement of Ohrid |
Hagiotitika erga |
La vita di Mosè |
Sulla vita di Costantino |
Vita di Antonio |
The life of Melania, the Younger |
The Life of Saint Nicholas of Sion |
The sayings of the Desert Fathers |
Vita di S. Stefano Sabaita (725-794) |
Faith healing in late Byzantium |
The life of Samuel of Kalamun by Isaac the Presbyter |
Le corpus athénien de Saint Pachome |
Il Prato |