Ethopoeia dramatica |
Prisciani Caesariensis De laude Anastasii imperatoris |
Versi d’amore in greco volgare del XV secolo |
Miscellaneous poems |
La vieja libidinos |
Carmina historica I |
George of Pisidia’s poem On the Avar War (Bellum avaricum) |
Tales of Dionysus |
Τῇ βασιλίσσῃ μοναχῇ κυρᾷ |
Filosofía y sátira |
De stiefmoeder van Planoudes |
Verzen bij Lucianus |
Defending Orthodoxy in verse |
Paul in Byzantine book epigrams |
The octosyllabic verses of the 'Chapters in Four Ways' |
Panegíricos |
Sobre la sátira en Bizancio |
Schelden met lange neologismen |
Verzen uit de marge (gehaald) |
Versi giambici |
Concluding a patristic triad |
Metaphrasis Psalmorum |
Of false philosophers and inept teachers |
La poesía satírica de Juan Geómetra |
Κειμενα για την Ελλαδα στην περιοδο των Κομνηνων |
Leren in Byzantium: didactische poëzie in de 11e eeuw |
Epigramme en l’honneur de Nicetas |
Erotopaignia |
Un commetno bizantino inedito al carme sulle meraviglie del mondo della cronaca de Giorgio Cedreno |
An unedited poem from codex Marcianus gr. 403 |
Gregory of Nazianzus, carm. 1.1.21 (PG 37, 491–492) |
‘I am a Grammatical Textbook’ (DBBE Type 5248) |
Poemas |
Die 16 Weltwunder des Georgios Sanginatios |
Verschronik Manasses Konstantinos |
Hristos pătimind |
Christodorus, standbeeld van Demosthenes (AP 2.23– 31) |
Christophoros Mitylenaios, gedichten 33 en 34 (ed. De Groote) |
Μᾶρκος εὐφραίνει ψυχὰς σκότει μενούσας (DBBE type 2630) |
Digenis Akritis |
The poems of Christopher of Mytilene and John Mauropous |
Translations and paraphrases of liturgical poetry in late Byzantine Thessalonica |
A poem by Eudocia in Hammat Gader |
La prise de la Crète : (960-961) |
Le poème inconnu du codex Vat. gr. 1020 |
Les épigrammes de Maxime Planude |
John Tzetzes and the blemish examiners |
Amistad exiliada |
Stichoi diaphoroi |
Treis megaloi vyzantinoi poiētes : Iōannēs Geōmetrēs, Christophoros Mytilēnaios, Michaēl Maroullos Tarchaniōtēs |