Presvìa |
Един новооткрит препис на гръцката служба за св. Климент Охридски |
Hagiographie et liturgie en dialogue |
Le Typicon palestinien Sinaiticus graecus 1096 (douzieme siecle) |
The order of the mystery |
Una nuova tappa del Čašoc‘ (Lezionario armeno) |
The Rise and Fall of Nikephoros II Phokas |
Translations and paraphrases of liturgical poetry in late Byzantine Thessalonica |
Remarks on the textual contribution of the Coptic Codices preserving the Canons of Saint Basil |
A Byzantine monastic office, 1105 A.D. |
The presanctified liturgy of the apostle Mark in Sinai Arabic 237 |
Литургические обычаи в проповедях Севериана Гавальского |
Йоханнан Бар Зо‘би и его ≪Истолкование таин≫ |
A review of Logos 38 of Nikon of the Black Mountain |
Die Jakobus-Liturgie in ihren Überlieferungssträngen. Edition des Cod. arm. 17 von Lyon |
The Hypotyposis of the monastery of the Theotokos Evergetis, Constantinople (11th-12th centuries) |
Evkhologiĭ Barberini gr. 336 |
Die beiden byzantinischen Kommentare zum Grossen Kanon des Andreas von Kreta |
The liturgical typikon of Symeon of Sinai |
Byzantine monastic foundation documents |
Anaphora of St. Basil The Coptic Orthodox liturgy of St. Basil |
Un office inédit de Manuel Sabios pour la fête de l'Unité |
La prière de l'Eglise d'Orient |
On the divine liturgy |
Über die göttliche Mystagogie |
I calendari in metro innografico di Cristoforo Mitileneo |
Sainte-Sophie de Thessalonique d’après un ritual |
St. Romanos the Melodos and his first nativity kontakion |
A monothelite kontakion of the seventh century |
A commentary on the divine liturgy |
Le ritual de la proscomidie et le métropolite de Crète Élie |
The Great Canon |
Explication de la divine liturgie |
Ta hapanta eis hex merē diairethenta |
Ta hapanta eis hex merē diairethenta |