Animal Fables of the Courtly Mediterranean |
Commentary on the Odyssey |
El viaje de Mazaris al Hades |
Gli scolii di Demetrio Tricilino alla 'Theogonia' di Esiodo |
The Byzantine Sinbad |
Fabelbuch : Stephanites und Ichnelates |
Il ≪De Tragoedia≫ “barocciano” |
Allegories of the Odyssey |
Essai sur les douze travaux d’Héracles |
Giamblico : storie babilonesi |
Perché leggere Omero : il prologo all’Odissea di Manuele Gabala nelle due redazioni autografe |
Christian novels from the Menologion of Symeon Metaphrastes |
Michael Psellos on literature and art |
Bizantyński epos dla średnio zaawansowanych |
Pogańscy mistrzowie chrześcijan |
Biblioteca |
Commentary on Homer’s Odyssey. Volume 1: On Rhapsodies A–B |
Conseils et récits d’un gentilhomme byzantin |
La leggenda troiana (Carmina Iliaca) |
Allegories of the Iliad |
Byzantine readings of ancient historians |
L’Homère de Pléthon |
Consilia et narrationes |
La poesia tragica |
Der Kommentar des Proklos zu Hesiods "Werken und Tagen" |
Der Traktat "vom Mysterium Der Buchstaben" |
On the stage of 'Eros' : two rhetorical exercises by Nikephoros Basiliakes |
Bibliothèque |
Sovety i rasskazy |
Critical Remarks on Homer's Iliad : Introduction |
Theodore Metochites on ancient authors and philosophy |
Idéologie politique, production littéraire et patronage au Xe siècle |
Consejos de un aristócrata bizantino |
Vivliothēkē |
Raccomandazioni e consigli di un galantuomo |
Metamorphoseon permulti libri |
Metamorphoseon permulti libri |
De latrone converso |
The bibliotheca |
Anonimo (Michele Psello ?), La tragedia greca |
Strategikon |
The essays on Euripides and George of Pisidia and on Heliodorus and Achilles Tatius |
Biblioteka |
Byzantinisches Lesebuch herausgegeben von Hans-Georg Beck |
The Preface of the Bibliotheca of Photius |
Michel Psellos et Denys d’Halicarnasse |
Mazaris' Journey to Hades |
The Andreas Salos Apocalypse |
Études sur la polémique entre Théodore Métochite et Nicéphore Choumnos |
Two fables recovered |