Displaying 1 - 18 of 18
Title | Publication Year | Translation Language |
Dialogo dei ricchi e dei poveri Alessio Macrembolite |
2007 |
Italian |
Il dialogo della discordia |
2007 |
Italian |
Teodoro Prodromo, Amaranto |
2007 |
Italian |
Dialog über den Islam und Erziehungsratschläge |
2003 |
German |
La verginità |
2000 |
Italian |
The "Dialogue of the monk and recluse Moschos concerning the holy icons" |
1998 |
English |
Pir desi︠a︡ti dev |
1996 |
Russian |
Manuel Palaiologos |
1991 |
English |
Georges Amiroutzès et son 'Dialogue sur la foi au Christ tenu avec le sultan des turcs' |
1987 |
French |
Dialogues sur la Trinité Cyrille d'Alexandrie |
1976 |
French |
Fiorenzo, o intorno alla sapienza |
1975 |
Italian |
Entretiens avec un Musulman |
1966 |
French |
Dialoge mit einem "Perser" |
1966 |
German |
Le banquet |
1963 |
French |
Alexios Makrembolites and his 'Dialogue between the rich and poor' |
1960 |
English |
The symposium, a treatise on chastity |
1958 |
English |
The dialogue of Palladius concerning the life of Chrysostom |
1921 |
English |
Dialoge mit einem Muslim |
German |