Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 1751 - 1800 of 3853
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BN Grec 2352 15th Geometry, Optics Proclus, Euclid
BN Grec 2353 16th Geometry, Optics, Mathematics Maximus Planudes, Theon, Ptolemy
BN Grec 2354 16th Geometry, Philosophy Syrianus, Aristotle
BN Grec 2355 16th Geometry
BN Grec 2356 16th Geometry
BN Grec 2357 16th Geometry
BN Grec 2359 16th Geometry Archimedes
BN Grec 236 15th Theology, Saints lives John Chrysostom
BN Grec 2360 16th Geometry
BN Grec 2361 16th Geometry
BN Grec 2362 16th Geometry
BN Grec 2363 15th Geometry, Astronomy Euclid, Proclus, Ptolemy
BN Grec 2364 15th Geometry
BN Grec 2366 16th Geometry Euclid
BN Grec 2367 16th Geometry
BN Grec 2368 16th Mathematics Pappus
BN Grec 2369 17th Mathematics Pappus
BN Grec 237 10th Bible
BN Grec 2370 17th Mathematics
BN Grec 2372 17th Mathematics Nicomachus of Gerasa, Aristotle, Plutarch, Symeon Seth
BN Grec 2373 14th Mathematics, Geometry Euclid
BN Grec 2374 16th Mathematics Nicomachus of Gerasa
BN Grec 2375 16th Mathematics Nicomachus of Gerasa, John Philoponus
BN Grec 2376 16th Mathematics, Astronomy Asclepius, Nicomachus of Gerasa, Plethon
BN Grec 2377 16th Mathematics Nicomachus of Gerasa, John Philoponus
BN Grec 2378 16th Mathematics Diophantus
BN Grec 2379 16th Mathematics, Astronomy Diophantus, Hipparchus
BN Grec 238 13th Bible
BN Grec 2380 16th, 17th Mathematics Diophantus
BN Grec 2381 15th, 16th Misc., Mathematics, Astronomy Maximus Planudes, Barlaam of Calabria
BN Grec 2382 16th Mathematics Maximus Planudes
BN Grec 2383 16th Literature, Medicine Photius, Galen
BN Grec 2384 16th Philosophy Barlaam of Calabria
BN Grec 2385 15th, 16th Mathematics, Astronomy John Pediasimus
BN Grec 2386 16th Astronomy Hipparchus
BN Grec 2387 17th Astronomy
BN Grec 2388 17th Astronomy Euclid
BN Grec 2389 9th Astronomy Ptolemy
BN Grec 239 15th Bible
BN Grec 2390 13th Mathematics, Astronomy, Optics Ptolemy, Theon, Euclid
BN Grec 2391 15th Astronomy Ptolemy
BN Grec 2392 15th Astronomy Ptolemy, Proclus
BN Grec 2394 18th Astronomy Ptolemy, Proclus, John Philoponus, Theon
BN Grec 2396 14th Astronomy Theon, Ptolemy
BN Grec 2397 16th Astronomy Nicephorus Gregoras, Ptolemy, John Philoponus
BN Grec 2398 15th Astronomy Pappus, Theon, Ptolemy, Nicholas Chamaetos Kabasilas
BN Grec 2399 13th, 14th Astronomy Theon, Ptolemy
BN Grec 24 13th Psalter
BN Grec 240 16th Bible
BN Grec 2400 16th Astronomy Theon, Ptolemy
