Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 1401 - 1450 of 3853
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BN Grec 2004 14th Philosophy Theodore Lascaris
BN Grec 2005 15th Philosophy, Law, Rhetoric Plethon, Sopater, Aristides, Gennadios II Scholarios
BN Grec 2008 16th Poems, Grammar Theognis, Dionysius Periegetes, Homer
BN Grec 2009 12th Politics Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus
BN Grec 201 11th Bible John Chrysostom
BN Grec 2010 14th Philosophy, Letters Plato, Gregory Nazianzus, Isocrates, Themistius
BN Grec 2011 14th Philosophy, Rhetoric, Letters Plato, Libanius, Aristides
BN Grec 2012 15th Philosophy Plato
BN Grec 2013 16th Mathematics, Geometry Theon, Euclid
BN Grec 2014 16th Mathematics Theon
BN Grec 2015 16th Philosophy Olympiodorus, Plato
BN Grec 2016 17th Philosophy Olympiodorus, Plato
BN Grec 2017 16th Philosophy Olympiodorus, Plato
BN Grec 2018 15th Philosophy Plato, Proclus, Themistius, Ocellus Lucanus
BN Grec 2019 13th, 14th Philosophy Aristotle, John Philoponus
BN Grec 202 12th Bible, Theology Nicetas Heracleensis
BN Grec 2020 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 2021 16th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 2022 14th Philosophy, Letters Aristotle, Synesius, Procopius of Gaza, Gregory Nazianzus, Libanius, Gregory of Cyprus
BN Grec 2023 15th Philosophy, Politics, Economics Aristotle
BN Grec 2024 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 2025 15th Philosophy, Politics, Economics Aristotle
BN Grec 2026 15th Philosophy, Politics Aristotle
BN Grec 2027 15th Philosophy, Geography, Animals Aristotle, Ptolemy, Epiphanius
BN Grec 2028 15th, 16th Philosophy Aristotle, Proclus, Alexander Aphrodisias
BN Grec 2029 15th Philosophy Aristotle, Themistius
BN Grec 203 12th Bible John Chrysostom
BN Grec 2030 16th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 2031 16th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 2032 14th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 2033 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 2034 13th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 2035 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 2036 10th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 2037 16th Medicine
BN Grec 2038 15th Rhetoric Aristotle
BN Grec 2039 15th Rhetoric Aristotle
BN Grec 204 13th Bible Theophylact of Ochrid
BN Grec 2040 15th Rhetoric Aristotle
BN Grec 2041 16th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 2042 15th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 2043 15th Rhetoric, History Demosthenes, Libanius, Polybius, Plutarch
BN Grec 2044 16th Philosophy Aristotle
BN Grec 2045 15th Philosophy Aristotle, Proclus, Plethon
BN Grec 2046 15th Philosophy Aristotle, Alexander Aphrodisias
BN Grec 2047 15th Medicine Hippocrates, Paul of Aegina
BN Grec 2047A 14th Medicine Alexander Aphrodisias, Meletius Monachus
BN Grec 2048 15th Philosophy Aristotle, Alexander Aphrodisias
BN Grec 2049 15th Philosophy Aristotle, Alexander Aphrodisias, Themistius, Iamblichus
BN Grec 205 14th Bible Theophylact of Ochrid
