Princeton Unversity Library

Cambridge UK

Displaying 301 - 350 of 448
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
U of Cambridge UL Add. 2754.1
U of Cambridge UL Add. 2754.2 12th, 13th Gospel lectionary
U of Cambridge UL Add. 2754.3 16th
U of Cambridge UL Add. 3046 11th Bible
U of Cambridge UL Add. 3047 16th Theology Ephraem
U of Cambridge UL Add. 3048 16th Horologion
U of Cambridge UL Add. 3049 14th Theology Anastasius Sinaita
U of Cambridge UL Add. 3050 17th Canon law
U of Cambridge UL Add. 3076 16th Canon law, Poems, Theology John of Damascus, Gregory Nazianzus, Athanasius, Symeon Archbishop of Thessaloniki
U of Cambridge UL Add. 3121 16th Liturgy
U of Cambridge UL Add. 3122 17th Saints lives
U of Cambridge UL Add. 3166 10th, 11th Lexicon
U of Cambridge UL Add. 3324 14th Theology Isaac the Syrian
U of Cambridge UL Add. 3326 12th, 13th Bible, Illuminations
U of Cambridge UL Add. 3561 17th Grammar
U of Cambridge UL Add. 3574 11th, 12th Saints lives
U of Cambridge UL Add. 3849 15th Menaion
U of Cambridge UL Add. 4166.22 15th, 16th Liturgy
U of Cambridge UL Add. 4166.23 14th Synaxarion
U of Cambridge UL Add. 4166.24 15th, 16th Index codicum
U of Cambridge UL Add. 4166.25 11th Theology John Xiphilin
U of Cambridge UL Add. 4173 16th Bible
U of Cambridge UL Add. 4489 8th, 13th, 14th Gospel lectionary, Menaion, Palimpsest
U of Cambridge UL Add. 4490 10th, 11th Theology
U of Cambridge UL Add. 4491 11th, 12th Barlaam and Joasaph, Romance
U of Cambridge UL Add. 4541 12th Bible
U of Cambridge UL Add. 6009 16th Canon law
U of Cambridge UL Add. 6220.10 17th Letters
U of Cambridge UL Add. 6220.11 17th Letters
U of Cambridge UL Add. 6314 16th Rhetoric Demosthenes
U of Cambridge UL Add. 6594 9th Bible
U of Cambridge UL Add. 6677 10th, 11th Bible
U of Cambridge UL Add. 6678 12th, 13th Bible
U of Cambridge UL Add. 679 12th, 13th Gospel lectionary
U of Cambridge UL Add. 720 10th, 11th Bible
U of Cambridge UL Add. 7216 18th Sticherarion
U of Cambridge UL Add. 7593 13th, 14th Menologion
U of Cambridge UL Add. 7872 5th, 10th Theology, Palimpsest Homer, John Chrysostom
U of Cambridge UL BFBS 213 8th Bible, Palimpsest
U of Cambridge UL Dd. II. 22 14th Theology Maximus the Confessor
U of Cambridge UL Dd. II. 51 14th Canon law Matthew Blastares, Constantine Harmenopoulos
U of Cambridge UL Dd. III. 50 12th Theology John Climacus
U of Cambridge UL Dd. III. 86.10-11 15th Theology Maximus the Confessor
U of Cambridge UL Dd. III. 86.9 17th Geometry Hero of Alexandria, Euclid
U of Cambridge UL Dd. IV. 16 15th, 16th Philosophy, Misc. Plato, Aristotle, Xenophon, Plethon
U of Cambridge UL Dd. IV. 39 12th Psalter
U of Cambridge UL Dd. IV. 40 17th Index codicum
U of Cambridge UL Dd. IV. 42 13th, 14th Menaion
U of Cambridge UL Dd. IV. 63 15th Lexicon Maximus Planudes
U of Cambridge UL Dd. IX. 69 13th Bible
