Miscellaneous poems |
La vieja libidinos |
Τιμαρίων ἢ Περὶ τῶν κατ’ αὐτὸν παθημάτων |
Carmina historica I |
Commentary on the Odyssey |
The 'ethopoeia' of Eustathios of Thessalonike |
The visual culture of later Byzantium (c.1081-c.1350) |
Τῇ βασιλίσσῃ μοναχῇ κυρᾷ |
Filosofía y sátira |
Нил Доксопатр. Порядок патриарших престолов: Введение, перевод, комментарий |
Alexias |
The philosophy of Constantine the Philosopher of Nicaea |
Sobre la sátira en Bizancio |
Vida de Andronico y Atanasia |
Gregorii Antiochi opera : Orationes et epistulae |
Comentariu la Canonul cel Mare al Sfântului Andrei Criteanul |
Versi giambici |
Of false philosophers and inept teachers |
“What is plate and cooking pot and food and bread and table all at the same time?” |
Die gefälschten Urkunden der Großkomnenen |
Κειμενα για την Ελλαδα στην περιοδο των Κομνηνων |
Teodora Prodromosa Przygody Rodante i Dosyklesa |
Le Typicon palestinien Sinaiticus graecus 1096 (douzieme siecle) |
Les Grâces à Athènes |
La tradizione manoscritta dell’Homilia in mulieres unguentiferas di Gregorio di Antiochia (PG 88, cc. 1848–1866) |
Un commetno bizantino inedito al carme sulle meraviglie del mondo della cronaca de Giorgio Cedreno |
Allegories of the Odyssey |
The chronicle of Michael the Great |
Las vicisitudes de Timarión |
Verschronik Manasses Konstantinos |
“Винаги това което е минало, е по-добро!” |
Digenis Akritis |
Nicholas Kallikles’ epitaph for the sebastos Roger |
The Chronicle of Constantine Manasses |
Theological encounters at a crossroads |
Two middle Byzantine treatises in defence of the care of the dead |
Zonaras’s Treatise on Nocturnal Emissions |
Un antico inno per la traslazione a Bari delle reliquie di s. Nicola |
John Tzetzes and the blemish examiners |
Matt'eos Urhayec'i and his chronicle |
Nicholas Mesarites : his life and works |
Not composed in a chance manner : the Epitaphios for Manuel I Komnenos |
The Dialogue Xenedemos, or Voices |
Amistad exiliada |
Οδοιπορικόν |
Bizantyński epos dla średnio zaawansowanych |
Crime et châtiment chez les souris |
Un letter de Ioannes Tzetzes au Protosébaste Isaac frère de l'Empereur byzantin Jean II |
L’ekphrasis di Giovanni Fokas dalla Siria alla Palestina |
A Byzantine monastic office, 1105 A.D. |