Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 201 - 250 of 3647
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BAV Ott. gr. 104 16th Theology Maximus the Confessor, Ps.-Dionysius
BAV Ott. gr. 105 16th Philosophy Aristotle, Olympiodorus
BAV Ott. gr. 106 16th Theology Gregory of Nyssa
BAV Ott. gr. 108 16th History Eusebius of Caesarea
BAV Ott. gr. 110 16th Mathematics Ptolemy
BAV Ott. gr. 111 16th History John Xiphilin
BAV Ott. gr. 112 16th Theology Gregory of Nyssa
BAV Ott. gr. 113 16th Theology Origen
BAV Ott. gr. 115 16th Theology Gennadios II Scholarios
BAV Ott. gr. 116 16th, 17th History Constantine Manasses
BAV Ott. gr. 117 16th Theology Polychronius Diaconus
BAV Ott. gr. 119 16th Theology Gregory of Nyssa
BAV Ott. gr. 148 16th Theology Basil the Great
BAV Ott. gr. 150 16th Theology, Saints lives, Medicine, Grammar Agapetus, Hippocrates, Manuel Moschopoulos, Basil the Great, John Chrysostom
BAV Ott. gr. 153 16th Philosophy, Medicine Theophrastus, Michael Psellus, Syrianus, Aristotle
BAV Ott. gr. 154 15th, 16th Theology
BAV Ott. gr. 155 16th Euripides
BAV Ott. gr. 157 pt.A 16th Medicine Hippocrates
BAV Ott. gr. 157 pt.A 16th Medicine Hippocrates
BAV Ott. gr. 157 pt.B 15th, 16th Medicine Hippocrates
BAV Ott. gr. 157 pt.B 15th, 16th Medicine Hippocrates
BAV Ott. gr. 16 16th Theology Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
BAV Ott. gr. 161 15th, 16th Aristophanes
BAV Ott. gr. 163 16th Literature Photius
BAV Ott. gr. 164 16th Grammar Theodore of Gaza
BAV Ott. gr. 168 16th Theology Theodoret Bishop of Cyrrhus
BAV Ott. gr. 172 16th Theology
BAV Ott. gr. 173 16th Grammar
BAV Ott. gr. 176 16th Bible, Theology Ps.-Dionysius
BAV Ott. gr. 177 16th Philosophy, Medicine Hermes, Plato
BAV Ott. gr. 178 16th Rhetoric Isocrates
BAV Ott. gr. 18 16th Theology Cyril of Alexandria
BAV Ott. gr. 181 16th Rhetoric, Letters Thomas Magister, Aristophanes, Julian Emperor of Rome, Plethon, Bessarion
BAV Ott. gr. 182 16th Grammar Manuel Chrysoloras
BAV Ott. gr. 185 16th Aeschylus
BAV Ott. gr. 187 16th, 17th Psalter
BAV Ott. gr. 189 16th, 17th Misc. Sozomen, Plethon, Gregory Nazianzus, Origen, Athanasius, John Mauropus
BAV Ott. gr. 190 16th Theology Gregory of Nyssa
BAV Ott. gr. 191 16th Philosophy
BAV Ott. gr. 192 pt.1 16th, 17th Misc., Theology
BAV Ott. gr. 192 pt.2 16th, 17th Misc.
BAV Ott. gr. 193 16th, 17th Rhetoric, History, Geography Demosthenes, Cassius Dio, Dionysius Periegetes
BAV Ott. gr. 196 16th Church councils, Theology Gennadios II Scholarios
BAV Ott. gr. 201 16th Theology John of Damascus
BAV Ott. gr. 205 16th Grammar Constantine Lascaris
BAV Ott. gr. 207 16th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
BAV Ott. gr. 208 16th Bible, Illuminations
BAV Ott. gr. 209 16th Lexicon Julius Pollux
BAV Ott. gr. 210 14th, 16th Poems John Tzetzes, Pindar, Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Hesiod
BAV Ott. gr. 215 16th Letters, Theology Cyril of Alexandria
