Princeton Unversity Library


Displaying 101 - 150 of 1622
Title Century Subject theme Subject name
BAV Vat. gr. 1162 11th, 12th Theology
BAV Vat. gr. 1221 12th Theology Theophylact of Ochrid
BAV Vat. gr. 1231 12th Bible, Old Testament
BAV Vat. gr. 1238 pt. 1 11th, 12th, 13th Saints lives
BAV Vat. gr. 1238 pt. 2 11th, 12th, 13th Saints lives
BAV Vat. gr. 1238 pt. 3 11th, 12th, 13th Saints lives
BAV Vat. gr. 1245 11th, 12th Saints lives Sophronius
BAV Vat. gr. 1246 12th, 13th Saints lives, Theology
BAV Vat. gr. 1260 12th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
BAV Vat. gr. 1274 12th Theology Dorotheus of Gaza
BAV Vat. gr. 1307 12th, 13th History Leo the Deacon, Lycophron
BAV Vat. gr. 1312 pt. 1 12th Pindar
BAV Vat. gr. 1312 pt. 2 12th Pindar
BAV Vat. gr. 1319 12th Homer
BAV Vat. gr. 1349 12th Romance Achilles Tatius
BAV Vat. gr. 1434 12th Theology Evagrius
BAV Vat. gr. 1455 pt. 2 12th Letters, Canon law, History
BAV Vat. gr. 1502 pt. 1 11th, 12th Theology Maximus the Confessor
BAV Vat. gr. 1502 pt. 2 11th, 12th Theology Maximus the Confessor
BAV Vat. gr. 1547 11th, 12th Liturgy
BAV Vat. gr. 1552 12th Liturgy
BAV Vat. gr. 1554 12th Liturgy
BAV Vat. gr. 1574 11th, 12th Saints lives
BAV Vat. gr. 1600 12th Theology John Climacus, Basil the Great, Anastasius Sinaita
BAV Vat. gr. 1608 12th, 13th Saints lives
BAV Vat. gr. 1611 12th Theology Nicetas Heracleensis
BAV Vat. gr. 1632 12th Saints lives, Theology Gregory Nazianzus, Basil the Great
BAV Vat. gr. 1635 12th Theology John Climacus
BAV Vat. gr. 1636 10th, 11th, 12th Saints lives, Theology John Chrysostom, Ephraem
BAV Vat. gr. 1644 12th, 13th Theology John Chrysostom
BAV Vat. gr. 1646 12th Theology Maximus the Confessor
BAV Vat. gr. 1652 12th Theology, Saints lives John Chrysostom
BAV Vat. gr. 1656 12th Theology John Chrysostom
BAV Vat. gr. 1712 12th Theology, Hymns Gregory Pardus, Maximus the Confessor
BAV Vat. gr. 1754 11th, 12th, 13th Theology John Climacus
BAV Vat. gr. 1761 12th, 13th Theology
BAV Vat. gr. 1796 12th Theology Theodore Daphnopates
BAV Vat. gr. 1798 12th Saints lives Symeon Metaphrastes
BAV Vat. gr. 1801 11th, 12th Saints lives Gregory of Nyssa
BAV Vat. gr. 1802 12th, 14th Theology Gregory of Nyssa
BAV Vat. gr. 1806 12th Theology, Saints lives Nilus, John Chrysostom, Athanasius
BAV Vat. gr. 1811 12th Euchologion
BAV Vat. gr. 1813 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th Liturgy
BAV Vat. gr. 1818 10th, 12th Lexicon, Theology Eustratius, Nicetas Stethatus
BAV Vat. gr. 1820 12th Liturgy, Hymns
BAV Vat. gr. 1821 11th, 12th Theology Gregory Nazianzus
BAV Vat. gr. 1827 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th Sticherarion Andrew of Crete
BAV Vat. gr. 1832 12th, 13th Liturgy, Hymns
BAV Vat. gr. 1836 11th, 12th Liturgy, Hymns Romanus Melodus, Theodore the Studite
BAV Vat. gr. 1843 9th, 12th Saints lives, Theology John Chrysostom
