Displaying 1 - 14 of 14
Title | Publication Year | Translation Language |
Tome 1, Discours I–IV, les heritiers de Constantin |
2022 |
French |
Parafraza księgi XII “Metafizyki” Arystotelesa |
2018 |
Polish |
Parafraza “O duszy” Arystotelesa |
2015 |
Polish |
Themistius, Julian and Greek political theory under Rome |
2013 |
English |
Mowa pogrzebowa na cześć Ojca |
2011 |
Polish |
On Aristotle Physics 5-8 |
2008 |
English |
L'Inedito Πρòς Βασιλεα di Temistio |
2006 |
Italian |
Politics, philosophy, and empire in the fourth century |
2001 |
English |
The private orations of Themistius |
2000 |
English |
Paraphrase de la métaphysique d'Aristote (livre lambda) |
1999 |
French |
Staatsreden |
1998 |
German |
On Aristotle On the soul |
1996 |
English |
Two Greek Aristotelian commentators on the intellect |
1990 |
English |
Die 34. Rede des Themistios |
1966 |
German |