Displaying 1 - 12 of 12
Title | Publication Year | Translation Language |
The Book of Alexander the Great |
2012 |
English |
Histoire merveilleuse du roi Alexandre, maître du monde |
2009 |
French |
Il romanzo di Alessandro a cura di Richard Stoneman |
2007 |
Italian |
Vita di Alessandro il Macedone a cura di Carlo Franco |
2001 |
Italian |
The Greek Alexander romance translated with an introduction and notes by Richard Stoneman |
1991 |
English |
Il romanzo di Alessandro a cura di Monica Centanni |
1988 |
Italian |
Vida y hazañas de Alejandro de Macedonia Pseudo Calístenes |
1977 |
Spanish |
The romance of Alexander the Great. Translated from the Armenian version with an introd. by Albert Mugrdich Wolohojian |
1969 |
English |
The life of Alexander of Macedon. Translated and edited by Elizabeth Hazelton Haight |
1955 |
English |
Staročeská Alexandreida uspořádal Václav Vážný |
1949 |
Czech |
The history of Alexander the Great |
1889 |
English |
Alexander, Gedicht des zwölften Jahrhunderts, vom Pfaffen Lamprecht |
1850 |
German |