Christopher of Mitylene
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12
Title | Publication Year | Translation Language |
Christophoros Mitylenaios, gedichten 33 en 34 (ed. De Groote) |
2019 |
Dutch |
The poems of Christopher of Mytilene and John Mauropous |
2018 |
English |
Stichoi diaphoroi |
2017 |
Greek (Modern) |
Treis megaloi vyzantinoi poiētes : Iōannēs Geōmetrēs, Christophoros Mytilēnaios, Michaēl Maroullos Tarchaniōtēs |
2017 |
Greek (Modern) |
Poesía lúdico-satírica bizantina del siglo XI |
2016 |
Spanish |
Achilles at the battle of Ostrovo |
2014 |
English |
The metre in the poems of Christopher Mitylenaois |
2011 |
English |
Cristóbal de Mitilene (s. XI) y la poesía satírica en la época bizantina |
2009 |
Spanish |
An ironic portrait of a social monk : Christopher of Mytilene and Niketas Stethatos |
2007 |
English |
Justice, equality and dirt in the poems of Christopher of Mytilene |
2007 |
English |
Cosmological confectionary and equal opportunity in the eleventh century |
2003 |
English |
I calendari in metro innografico di Cristoforo Mitileneo |
1980 |
Italian |