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Modern Language Translations of Byzantine SourcesDigitized Greek Manuscripts
Modern Language Translations of Byzantine Sources
Displaying 1801 - 1850 of 2873 Translations
Original Author
- Any -
Aaron, Abba
Abd al-Jabbār ibn Aḥmad al-Asadābādī
Abinnaeus, Flavius
Abramios, bishop of Kratea
Abu al-Makarim
Adrian, of Antioch
Aeneas, of Gaza, 5th cent
Aetius, of Amida
Agallianos, Theodōros
Agathias, d. 582
Akakios Sabbaites
Akhavaynī, Rabīʻ ibn Aḥmad, active 10th century
Akindynos, Gregorios, ca. 1300-ca. 1349
Akropolitēs, Geōrgios, b. 1217
Akropolitēs, Kōnstantinos, ca. 1250-ca. 1321
Alexander II, Patriarch of Alexandria
Alexander Monachus
Alexander, of Aphrodisias
Alexander, the Akoimetos
Alexandros, monachos, 6th cent.
Alexius I Comnenus, Emperor of the East, 1048-1118
Ambroise, fl. ca. 1196
Amiroutzes, George
Ammianus Marcellinus
Ammonius, Hermiae
Amphilochius, Saint, Bishop of Iconium, fl. 373-394
Anagnōstēs, Iōannēs, 15th cent.
Anania Shirakatsʻi, fl. 685.
Anastasia, Saint
Anastasius, Sinaita, Saint, fl. 640-700
Anastasius, the Persian, Saint, d. 628
Anân-Îshôʻ, 7th cent.
Andreopōlos, Michaēl, active 11th century
Andrew, of Crete, Saint, ca. 660-740
Andrew, the Fool, Saint
Andronicus II Palaeologus, Emperor of the East, 1260-1332
Andronicus III Palaeologus, Emperor of the East, 1328-1341
Anonymous Cyzicenus
Anonymous of Sola
Anonymous Professor
Anthemius, d. ca. 534.
Anthony Stoudites
Anthony, of Egypt, Saint, ca. 250-355 or 6
Anthousa, Saint, daughter of Constantine V
Anthousa, Saint, of Mantineon
Antiochos, Grēgorios, ca. 1130-ca. 1200
Antonius, monk, disciple of Simeon Stylites, fl. 470
Antony, of Choziba, fl. 634
Anṭākī, Yaḥyá ibn Saʻīd d, 1065 or 6
Anvarī, Awḥad al-Dīn, d. 1189 or 90
Aphthonius, 4th cent.
Apollinaris, Bishop of Laodicea, -approximately 390
Apostolius, Michael, ca. 1422-ca. 1480
Arethas, Archbishop of Caesarea (Cappadocia), ca. 860-ca. 940
Arethas, Saint, martyr, 6th cent.
Aristakēs, Lastiverttsʻi, Vardapet, 11th cent.
Arsenius, Autorianus, Patriarch of Constantinople, d. 1273
Artemios, Saint, d. 363
Asprophrydes, Makarios
Asterius, of Amasea, Saint, ca. 350-ca. 410
Athanasia, Saint, of Aegina
Athanasios I, Patriarch of Constantinople, ca. 1230-ca. 1323
Athanasios, ho Scholastikos, 6th cent.
Athanasius, Athonites, Saint, ca. 930-ca. 1010.
Athanasius, Monachus
Athanasius, of Klysma
Athanasius, of Nisibis
Athanasius, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, d. 373
Athenogene, Saint, of Pedachthoe
Attaleiatēs, Michaēl, 11th cent.
Bakchos, Saint
Balsamon, Michael
Balsamon, Theodorus, Patriarch of Antioch, 12th cent.
Bar Hebraeus, 1226-1286
Barbaro, Nicolò, 15th cent.
Barlaam Calabro, ca. 1290-1348
Barsanuphius, Saint, 6th cent.
Basil I, Emperor of the East, ca. 812-886
Basil, Bishop of Seleucia
Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea, ca. 329-379
Basil, the Younger, Saint, d. 944
Basilius Achridenus, Archbishop of Thessalonikē, d. ca. 1169
Basilius Peganus
Bēssariōn, Cardinal, 1403-1472
Boilas, Eustathios
Boris I, Khan of Bulgaria, d. 907
Bryennius, Nicephorus, ca. 1062-1137
Cabasilas, Nicolaus, 14th cent.
Callinicus, Monk of Rufinianae, fl. 447-450
Callistus I of Constantinople
Chalkokondylēs, Laonikos, ca. 1430-ca. 1490
Chioniadēs, Grēgorios, 13th/14th cent.
Chomatenos, Demetrios
Choniates, Michael, 1138-ca. 1222
Choniates, Nicetas, ca. 1140-1213
Choricius, of Gaza, fl. ca. 520
Christina, of Bolsena, Saint, active 3rd century-4th century
Christodoros, of Koptos
Christopher of Mitylene
Christopher, protasecretis
Chronicle of Morea
Chronicon paschale
Chrysaphes, Manuel, fl. 1440-1463
Chrysoberges, Nikephoros
Chrysoloras, Manuel, ca. 1350-1415
Chrysolōras, Dēmētrios
Chumnus, Nicephorus, ca. 1250- ca.1327
Clari, Robert de, 12th/13th cent.
Comnena, Anna, b. 1083
Constans II
Constantine I, Emperor of Rome, d. 337
Constantine Psaltopoulos
Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, Emperor of the East, 905-959
Constantine, of Nicaea
Constantine, of Preslav
Constantine, of Rhodes, active 10th century
Constantine, the Jew
Constantius II, Emperor of Rome, 317-361
Corippus, Flavius Cresconius
Cosmas, Indicopleustes, fl. 6th cent.
Cosmas, the Melodian, Saint
Council of Chalcedon (451)
Council of Constantinople (2nd : 553)
Cyril Phileotes
Cyril Saint, Apostle of the Slavs approximately 827-869
Cyril, of Scythopolis, ca. 524-ca. 558
Cyril, Saint, Bishop of Jerusalem, ca. 315-386
Cyril, Saint, Bp. of Turov, approximately 1130-1182?
Cyril, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, ca. 370-444
Dadishoʻ Ḳaṭraya, active 7th century
Dalmatos, Saint
Damaskios, ca. 480-ca. 550
Damianos, Saint
Daniel, Abba
Daniel, of Sketis, Saint, 6th. cent.
Daniel, the Stylite, Saint, ca. 409-493
David, Symeon and George of Lesbos, Saints
David, the Invincible
Demetrius Cydones, ca. 1324-ca. 1398
Didymus, the Blind, ca. 313-ca. 398
Digenis Akritas
Diodore, of Tarsus, Bishop of Tarsus, d. ca. 392
Dionysius, of Tel-Maḥrē, Patriarch of Antioch, d. 845
Dishypatos, David, 14th cent
Domentijan, hieromonach, b. ca. 1213
Domninus, of Larissa
Dorotheus, of Gaza, Saint, 6th cent.
Doukas, ca. 1400-ca. 1470
Doxopatres, Nilos, 12th cent.
Dušan, Emperor of Serbia, approximately 1308-1355
Elias of Heliopolis
Elias, Metropolitan of Crete
Elias, of Thessalonika, Saint, 823-903
Elias, the Philosopher
Elisabeth the Wonderworker (Thaumaturge), Saint
Ephraem, Syrus, 303-373
Epiphanios, the Monk
Epiphanius, Saint, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus, ca. 310-403
Erechthios, fl. 5th cent.
Eudocia, Aelia Athenais, ca. 401-460
Eugenikos, John
Eugenikos, Markos, Saint, ca. 1392-1445?
Eugenios, Saint, of Trebizond
Eunapius, ca. 345-ca. 420
Eusebius, Bishop of Emesa, ca. 300-ca. 359
Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, ca. 260-ca. 340
Eustathios Rhomaios
Eustathius, Archbishop of Thessalonica, d. ca. 1194
Eustathius, Bp. of Trake
Eustathius, Macrembolites, 12th cent.
Eustathius, Monachus
Eustathius, Saint, Bishop of Antioch, fl. 325
Eustathius, the banker
Eustratius, Metropolitan of Nicaea
Euthymios the Great
Euthymios, of Sardis
Euthymios, Patriarch of Constantinople, 832-917
Euthymius II, Patriarch of Constantinople,1410-1416
Euthymius Zigabenus
Euthymius, patriarch of Constantinople, fl. 907-912
Eutropius, 4th cent.
Evagrius, Ponticus, 345?-399
Evagrius, Scholasticus, b. 536?
Flavius Merobaudes
Florilegium Coislinianum
Foucher de Chartres, 1058?-ca. 1127
Gabalas, Manuel, bishop of Ephesos
Gabras, Michael, ca. 1290-ca. 1350
Gavriel, hieromonachos, 15th cent.
Gazēs, Theodōros, ca. 1400-ca. 1475
Gelasius, Bishop of Caesarea, d. 395
Gemistus Plethon, George, 15th cent.
Genesios, Iōsēph, fl. 912-959
Gennadios I, Patriarch of Constantinople, 458–471
Gennadius II, Patriarch of Constantinople, ca. 1405-ca. 1472
Geoffrey, of Vinsauf, fl. 1200
George the Anchorite
George, of Amastris
George, of Choziba, Saint, d. ca. 625
George, of Nicomedia
George, of Trebizond, 1396-1486
George, Saint
George, the monk
George, the Pisidian
Georgios, Hamartolos
Georgius, monachus
Geōrgios, Synkellos, fl. 800
Germanus I, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople, d. ca. 733
Germanus II, Patriarch of Constantinople
Gerontius, d. 485
Ghazar, P'arpets'i, 5th cent.
Ghewond, Ere'ts', 8th cent.
Glykas, Michael, active 12th century
Gorgonia, Saint
Goudelēs, Theodosios
Gregoras, Nicephorus, 1295-1359 or 60
Gregorios Rephendarios
Gregorius, Presbyter
Gregory II, of Cyprus, Patriarch of Constantinople, 1241-1290
Gregory IX, Pope, approximately 1170-1241
Gregory Palamas, Saint, 1296-1359
Gregory Referendarios
Gregory the Cleric
Gregory, of Agrigento, Saint
Gregory, of Nazianzus, Saint
Gregory, of Nicaea
Gregory, of Nyssa, Saint, ca. 335-ca. 394
Gregory, of Oxia, Abbot
Gregory, of Pagurite
Gregory, Sinaites, Saint, ca. 1265-1346
Gregory, Thaumaturgus, Saint, ca. 213-ca. 270
Gregory, the Cellarer
Grēgorios, klērikos, fl. 894
Grigol, of Xancta, Saint
Grigor, Narekatsʻi, Saint, 951-1003
Gunther, von Pairis, ca. 1150-ca. 1210
Hadassi, Judah ben Elijah, active 12th century
Hārūn Ibn Yaḥyā
Hayton, of Corycus
Helena, Saint, ca. 255-ca. 330
Heraclius, Emperor of the East, ca. 575-641
Hermeias, of Alexandria, 5th cent.
Hermogenes, 2nd cent.
Hesychius, of Jerusalem, d. ca. 450
Hieria, Local Council of
Hierocles, Grammarian
Hierōnymos, Tragōdistēs
Hilarion, Veronensis, ca. 1440-ca. 1484
Himerius, ca. 310-ca. 390
Hovhan Mamikonean, Bishop of Mamikoneank'
Hypatia, -415
Hypatius, Saint, abbot of Rufinianae, d. 446
Iakovos, Monachos
Iamblichus, ca. 250-ca. 330
Ibn al-Farrāʾ, Abū ʻAlī al-Ḥusayn b. Muḥammad
Ibn al-Jazzār
Ibn al-Ṣalt, Ḥanūn ibn Yūḥannā, 9th cent.
Ibn Manjlī Muḥammad
Ibrahim ibn Yuhanna
Ignatios, Metropolitan of Selybria, ca. 1370-ca. 1436 (Chortasmenos, John)
Ignatios, the Deacon, ca. 775-ca. 848
Iōannēs, Kameniatēs
Ioannikios, Saint
Irene Eulogia Choumnaina Palaiologina, Princess, d. 1360
Irene, Abbess of Chrysobalanton, Saint
Irene, Empress of the East, 752?-803
Isaac Comnenus, Sebastocrator, fl. 1081
Isaac II Angelos, Emperor of the East, 1185–95, 1203–04
Isaac, Bishop of Nineveh, 7th cent.
Isaac, of Antioch
Isaac, the Presbyter
Isaakios, Saint
Isidore I Boucheiras
Isidore, of Kiev
Isidore, of Pelusium, Saint, active 5th century
Ivan Aleksandŭr, Czar of Bulgaria, d. 1371
Ivan Asen II, of Bulgaria
Īshō-'dādh, of Merv, Bishop of Ḥĕdhatha
Jacob, of Serug, 451-521
Joannes, Abbot of Beth-Apthonia, 6th cent.
Job Iasites
John bar Zo`bi
John Chrysostom, Saint, d. 407
John Diakrinomenos
John Geometres
John I Tzimisces, Emperor of the East, 925-976
John III, Patriarch of Antioch
John IV, Oxeites, 11th/12th cent.
John VI Cantacuzenus, Emperor of the East, 1292-1383
John XII, Patriarch of Constantinople
John, Bishop of Ephesus, ca. 507-586
John, Bishop of Nikiu, 7th cent.
John, Climacus, Saint, 6th cent.
John, Italos, 11th cent.
John, Kalybites
John, Mauropus, Metropolitan of Euchaita, fl. 11th cent.
John, of Alexandria
John, of Antioch, 7th cent.
John, of Damascus, Saint
John, of Ephesus, d. 586
John, of Euboea
John, of Rossano
John, of Shmūn
John, Phokas
John, Saint
John, the Almsgiver, Saint, d. 619?
John, the Hesychast
John, the monk
John, the Prophet, Saint
Joinville, Jean, sire de, 1224?-1317?
Joseph Hazzaya
Joseph II, Patriarch of Constantinople
Joseph, of Thessalonike
Joshua, the Stylite
Juans'eri, 11th cent.
Julian, Emperor of Rome, 331-363
Julian, of Antioch
Julian, of Ascalon
Julianus, Bp. of Halicarnassus, 6th cent.
Junilius, Africanus, 6th cent.
Justinian I, Emperor of the East, 483?-565
Kabasilas, Georgios
Kalekas, Manouēl, d. 1410
Kalliklēs, Nikolaos
Kallistos I, Patriarch of Constantinople
Kalothetos, Joseph
Kanaboutzes, John
Kananos, John
Kananos, Laskaris
Karantenos, Manuel
Kassianē, b. ca. 810
Kataphloron, Nicholas
Katasképénos, Nicolas, fl. 12th cent.
Kedrenos, George
Kinnamos, Iōannēs, b. ca. 1143
Kirakos, Gandzakets'i, 1201-1271
Kliment, Ohridski, -916
Komnēnos, Isaakios Alexiou, b. 1093.
Kosmas Tzintziloukes
Kosmas Vestitor
Kosmas, Saint
Kritovoulos, 15th cent.
Kyros, Saint
Lactantius, ca. 240-ca. 320
Lazaros Galesiotes
Leo III., Emperor of the East, 718-741
Leo VI, Emperor of the East, 866-912
Leo, Metropolitan of Synada, 937-ca. 1003
Leo, of Catania
Leo, the Deacon, b. ca. 950
Leo, the Physician
Leonard, of Chios, Archbishop of Mytilene, 1395 or 1396-1459
Leontios, Machairas
Leontios, Saint, Patriarch of Jerusalem, ca. 1110-1185
Leontios, the Monk
Leontius, Bishop of Neapolis, 7th cent.
Leontius, of Damascus, 8th/9th cent.
Leontius, Presbyter of Constantinople, 5th/6th cent.
Leōn Choirosphaktēs, d. ca. 919
Liberatus, Archdeacon of Carthage, active 6th century
Liudprand, d. ca. 972.
Lommelino, Angelo Giovanni, active 15th century
Loukos Adialeiptos
Luke, of Steiris, Saint
Luke, the Stylite
Lydus, Johannes Laurentius, 490-ca. 565
Macarius, Bishop of Jerusalem, 4th cent.
Macarius, of Alexandria
Macarius, the Egyptian, Saint, 4th cent.
Magentius, Leo
Makarios, ho Makrēs, ca. 1383-1431
Makrembolites, Alexios, 14th cent.
Makris, Georgios
Malalas, John, ca. 491-ca. 578
Mamertinus, Claudius, 4th cent.
Manasses, Constantine, d. 1187
Manasses, Cyril
Manuel I Comnenus, Emperor of the East, ca. 1120-1180
Manuel II Palaeologus, Emperor of the East, 1350-1425
Marcellinus, comes, fl. 500-534
Marcus, Diaconus
Marcus, Monachus, active 1265-1266
Marinus, 5th cent.
Mark, the Fool
Mark, the Hermit, d. ca. 430
Markellos, the Akoimetos
Marullo Tarcaniota, Michele
Marwazī, Sharaf al-Zamān Ṭāhir, active 1056-1120
Mary the Younger, Saint, of Bizye
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint
Mary, Saint, of Egypt
Mary/Marinos, Saint
Matrona, Saint, of Perge
Matt'eos Urhayec'i
Matthew, of Theodoro
Maurice, Emperor of the East, 539-602
Maximos, ho Ephesios, d. 372
Maximus, Confessor, Saint, ca. 580-662
Mazaris, Maximos, fl. 1399-1414
Māshāʹallāh, 730?-815?
Melania, the Elder, Saint
Melania, the Younger, Saint, 385?-439
Meletios, Monk of Mt. Galēsion, 1230-1307
Melitēniōtēs, Theodōros, ca. 1320-1393
Menander, Protector, fl. 6th cent.
Menas, Saint, d. ca. 300
Menologium graecorum
Merkourios, Saint
Methodios I, Patriarch of Constantinople
Methodius, of Olympus, Saint, d. 311
Methodius, Saint, Apostle of the Slavs, ca. 825-884 or 5
Metochites, Theodoros, d. 1332
Metrophanes, Hieromonachos, 1790-1867
Michael Hagiotheodorites
Michael I, the Syrian, Patriarch of Antioch, 1126-1199
Michael Italikos, Metropolitan of Philippopolis, 12th cent.
Michael IV Autoreianos, Patriarch of Constantinople
Michael Panaretos
Michael Rhetor
Michael VIII Palaeologus, Emperor of the East, 1224 or 1225-1282
Michael, of Ephesus
Michael, Syncellus, ca. 761-846
Michael, the grammarian
Michael, the monk
Moschopoulos, Manuel, b. ca. 1265?
Moschus, John, ca. 550-619
Moses Ka'ankatuac'i
Moses, of Khoren, 5th cent.
Muḥammad ibn al-Layth
Muntaner, Ramón, d. 1336
Naum, of Ohrid
Nemesius, Bp. of Emesa
Neophytos Enkleistos
Neophytos Prodromenos
Nephon, of Constantiana
Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople, fl. 428
Nicephorus Callistus Xanthopulus, ca. 1256-ca. 1335
Nicephorus II Phocas, Emperor of the East, 912-969
Nicephorus Uranus, 10th cent.
Nicephorus, 11th cent.
Nicephorus, Blemmydes, 1197-1272
Nicephorus, of Sebaze
Nicephorus, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople
Nicetas, the Paphlagonian, 10th cent.
Nicholas III, Patriarch of Constantinople, d. 1111
Nicholas IV Mouzalon
Nicholas V, Pope, 1397-1455
Nicholas, of Kerkyra
Nicholas, of Sion, Saint, d. 564
Nicholas, Saint, Bp. of Myra
Niketas Magistros, fl. 928-946
Niketas, of Herakleia
Niketas, of Medikion
Nikēphoros, 6th cent.
Nikēphoros, ho Vasilakēs, 12th cent.
Nikēphoros, the Chartophylax
Nikētas, ho Eugeneianos, 12th cent.
Nikētas, ho Stēthatos, ca. 1000-ca. 1090
Nikifor, Metropolitan of Kiev, d. 1121
Nikolaos (Monk of Athos)
Nikolaos I, Mystikos, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople, 852-925.
Nikolaos Mesarites, b. 1163 or 4
Nikolaos, Bishop of Methone, active 12th century
Nikon, of the Black Mountain
Nikon, Saint
Nilus, of Ancyra, Saint, d. ca. 430
Nonnus, of Panopolis
Notitia dignitatum
Odo de Deuil, Abbot of Saint Denis, d. ca. 1162
Olga, Grand Duchess of Kiev, ca. 890-969
Olympias, Saint, ca. 368-408
Olympiodorus, ca. 380-ca. 425
Olympiodorus, the Younger, of Alexandria, active 6th century
Onuphrius, Saint, d. ca. 400
Otto I, Bishop of Freising, d. 1158
P'awstos, Buzandats'i
Pacatus Drepanius, Latinus, 4th cent.
Pachomius, Saint
Pachymeres, George, 1242-ca. 1310 ca
Palladius, Bishop of Aspuna, d. ca. 430
Pambo, Abba
Pancratius, Saint, of Taormina
Paphnutius, Saint, anchorite, fl. 370
Pappus, of Alexandria
Paradeissas, Makarios
Paul Evergetinos, d. 1054
Paul, Bishop of Monemvasia, 10th cent.
Paul, of Aegina
Paul, of Nicea, 7th cent.
Paul, of Tamma, Saint, 4th cent.
Paul, Saint, Bishop of Constantinople, ca. 300-350
Paul, the Silentiary, 6th cent.
Pediasimus, Ioannes, 1282-1326
Pepagomenos, Demetrios
Perdikas of Ephesus
Peter, Callinicus, Patriarch of Antioch, d. 591
Peter, of Alexandria
Peter, of Sicily
Peter, Patrikios, approximately 500-565
Petrinos, John
Petros, ho Athōnitēs, Saint
Petrus Atroensis, Saint, 773-837
Phantinos, the Younger
Philaretos, Blessed Hermit
Philes, Manuel
Philip of Macedon
Philo, of Carpasia
Philoponus, John, 6th cent.
Philostratus, the Athenian
Philotheos Kokkinos, Patriarch of Constantinople, 1300-1379
Philoxenus, Bishop of Hierapolis, approximately 440-523
Photius ca. 820-ca. 891
Phrangopoulos, John
Phrantzēs, Geōrgios, b. 1401
Planudes, Maximus, ca. 1260-ca. 1310
Porphyry, Bishop of Gaza, Saint, ca. 347-420
Porphyry, ca. 234-ca. 305
Priscian, fl. ca. 500-530
Priscus, 5th cent.
Proclus, ca. 390-ca. 446
Proclus, ca. 410-485
Procopius, of Gaza, ca. 475-ca. 528
Prodromos, Manganeios
Prodromus, Theodore
Psellus, Michael
Pseudo-Basil, of Seleucia
Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite
Pseudo-John, of Jerusalem
Pseudo-Zachariah Rhetor, active 6th century
Rabbula, Bishop of Edessa,; approximately 350-435
Rahewin, d. ca. 1177
Raimond, d’Aguilers
Rāzī, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā, 865?-925?
Rhabdas, Nicholas
Richard, of Devizes, ca. 1150-ca. 1200
Romanus, Melodus, Saint, 6th cent.
Romylos, Saint
Rufinus, of Aquileia, 345-410
Sabas, monk, 9th cent.
Sabas, Saint, 439-532
Sabas, the Goth
Sabios, Manuel, hymnographer
Samuel, Abbot of Kalamun, ca. 597-ca. 695
Sangiatios, Georgios
Sanudo, Marino, ca. 1260-1343
Sava, Saint, 1169-1237
Scylitzes, George
Scylitzes, John, fl. 1081
Sebēos, Bishop of Bagratunikʻ, 7th cent.
Serapion, of Thmuis, Saint
Sergios, Saint
Sergios, the Deacon
Seth, Symeon
Severian, of Gabala, fl. 398-408
Severus Sozopolitānus, Patriarch of Antioch, d. ca. 536
Severus, Alexandrinus
Sharaf al-Zamān Ṭāhir
Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor, 1368-1437
Simeon Salus, Saint, ca. 522-ca. 588
Simeon Stylites, Saint, d. 459
Simeon Stylites, the Younger
Simeon, Saint, monk, 1114-1200
Simocatta, Theophylactus
Simplicius, of Cilicia
Sindbad the Sailor (Legendary character)
Socrates, Scholasticus, ca. 379-ca. 440
Sophronius, Saint, Patriarch of Jerusalem, ca. 560-ca. 638
Sozomen, ca. 400-ca. 450
Sphranztes, Michael
Staphidakes, Demetrios
Stefan Lazarecić, King of Serbia, 1370(ca)-1427
Stefan Uroš, King of Serbia, d. 1280
Stefan, of Novgorod
Stephanos Meles
Stephanos, ho Byzantios, 6th cent.
Stephanos, of Nardò
Stephen V, Pope
Stephen, of Alexandria
Stephen, of Saba, Saint, 725-794
Stephen, the Deacon, fl. 809
Stephen, the Younger, Saint, 713 or 14-764
Stepʻanos, Tarōnetsʻi
Stilbes, Constantine, 12th/13th cent
Straboromanus, Manuel
Sulami, `Abd al-`Aziz ibn `Abd al-Jabbar, d. 1207 or 8
Symeon, Achivus, 9th/10th cent.
Symeon, Archbishop of Sinai
Symeon, Archbishop of Thessalonike, 15th cent.
Symeon, Metaphrastes, fl. 10th cent.
Symeon, of Euchaita
Symeon, of Mesopotamia, 4th cent.
Symeon, the Logothete
Symeon, the New Theologian, Saint, 949-1022
Syncletica, Saint
Synesius, of Cyrene, Bishop of Ptolemais
Synesius, the alchemist
Synodicon Vetus
Syrianos Magistros
Syropoulos, Silvestros, fl. 15th cent.
Ṣliba, bar David, bar Mekbel, fl. 16th cent.
T'ovma Metsobets'i, Vardapet, 1378-1446
Thekla, Saint
Theodora the Empress, Saint
Theodora, of Thessalonike, Saint, 812-892
Theodora, Saint, of Arta
Theodore II Lascaris, Emperor of Nicaea, 1222-1258
Theodore Psalter
Theodore Synkellos
Theodore, Bishop of Mopsuestia, ca. 350-428 or 9
Theodore, of Paphos
Theodore, of Petra
Theodore, of Sykeon, Saint, Bishop of Anastasiopolis, d. 613
Theodore, Studites, Saint, 759-826
Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrrhus
Theodoros Hyrtakenos
Theodōros, Daphnopatēs, 10th cent.
Theodorus Anagnosta
Theodosia, Saint, of Constantinople
Theodosios Grammatikos
Theodosios Koinobiarches
Theodosius, Abp. of Alexandria
Theodosius, Diaconus
Theognius, of Jerusalem
Theokotos Evergetis
Theoktiste, Saint, of Lesbos
Theoktistos, ho Stouditēs
Theoleptos, Metropolitan of Philadelphia, ca. 1250-ca. 1326
Theophanes Continuatus
Theophanes, Bishop of Nicaea, d. 1381
Theophanes, monk, 14th cent.
Theophanes, the Confessor, d. ca. 818
Theophanes, the Presbyter
Theophilos Protospatharios
Theophilos, Emperor of Constantinople, d. 842
Theophilus, 6th cent.
Theophilus, of Edessa, 695-785
Theophylactus, of Ochrida, Archbishop of Ochrida, ca. 1050-ca. 1108
Theophylaktos, Patriarch of Constantinople, 933-956
Thomaïs, Saint, of Lesbos
Thomas Artsruni, 10th cent.
Thomas, Bishop of Marga, fl. 850
Thōmas, Magistros, fl. 1310-1327
Tiberios II, Emperor of the East, 578-582
Timotheus I, Patriarch of the Church of the East, 727 or 728-823
Timotheus Presbyter
Timotheus, of Gaza
Timothy Aelurus, d. 477
Titus, Bishop of Bostra
Tornikēs, Dēmētrios, d. 1200
Tornikēs, Euthymios
Tornikēs, Geōrgios, 12th cent.
Triclinius, Demetrius
Tudebodus, Petrus
Tzetzes, John, 12th cent.
Ṭabarī, 838?-923.
Uṣfūrī, Khalīfah ibn Khayyāṭ, -854
Varden Vardapet
Vegetius Renatus, Flavius
Villehardouin, Geoffroi de, d. ca. 1212
Vladimir Vsevolodovich, Grand Duke of Kiev, 1053-1125
Vojislav Vojinović
Warneńczyk, Wladysław
West-Syrian chronicles
William, of Moerbeke, ca. 1215-1286
William, of Tyre, Archbishop of Tyre, ca. 1130-ca. 1190
Witch of Endor (Biblical figure)
Xiphilinus, Joannes, ca. 1010-1075
Yuḥanan Mutselaya, 13th cent.
Zacharias, Bishop of Mytilene
Zonaras, Joannes, 12th cent.
Zotikos, Saint
- Any -
Biblical commentaries
Church history
Contra Iudaeos
Politics and government
Saints lives
Century (Multiple)
- Any -
Translation Language
- Any -
Greek (Modern)
Original Language
- Any -
Church Slavonic
Old Bulgarian
Old French
- Any -
Abdy, J. T.
Abrahamse, Dorothy
Abu-Husayn, Abdul-Rahim
Acerbi, Fabio
Adams, Francis
Adashinskaya, Anna
Addessi, Marta
Addey, Crystal
Adler, William
Aerts, W. J.
Afinogenov, D. E.
Agapitos, Panagiotis A.
Agati, Maria Luisa
Agiotis, Nikos
Agnello, Giacinto
Ahlborn, Helmut
Ahrweiler, H.
Akimkin, Michail J.
Aktas, Musa
al-Ka'bi, Nasir
Al-Khaledy, Noury
Albert, Micheline
Alberti, Alberto
Albl, Martin C.
Albrecht, Michael von.
Albrecht, Stefan
Alcock, Anthony
Alconchel Pérez, F.
Aleksić, Vladimir
Alexakis, Alexander
Alexander, Paul Julius
Alexandrescu, Radu
Alexandrova, Tatjana L'vovna
Alexandru, Iorga
Alexandru, Prelipcean
Alexiou, Stylianos
Alexopoulos, Stefanos
Alexopoulos, Theodoros
Alieva, Olga
Allard, André
Allen, Pauline
Álvarez Hoz, J. M.
Alwis, Anne P.
Amado Rodríguez, María Teresa
Amande, Carlotta
Amar, Joseph P.
Amato, Eugenio
Ambjörn, Lena
Ambrosius K.
Amidon, Philip R.
Amvrosiĭ, arkhimandrit
Anagnostakes, Elias
Anastasi, Rosario
Anderson, David
Anderson, Jeffrey C.
Andia, Ysabel de
Andrea, Alfred J.
Andrews, Frances
Andrews, Tara L.
Andriollo, Luisa
Angeletti, Luciana Rita
Angelidi, Christine
Angelou, Athanasios D.
Angelov, Dimiter
Angiolani, Stefano.
Angold, Michael
Anguševa, Adelina
Anisimova, T. V.
Antoniono, Normando
Antonopoulou, Theodora
Anufrieva, Anastasia
Ardalan, Mohammad R.
Arentzen, Thomas
Arevshati︠a︡n, S. S.
Argárate, A.
Argárate, P.
Argárate, Pablo
Argyriou, Astérios
Arrignon, Jean-Pierre
Arzhanov, Yuri
Arzoumanian, Zaven
Ashburner, W.
Astruc, C.
Asunción, María
Athanassakis, Apostolos N.
Athanassiadi, Polymnia.
Attwater, Donald
Atwater, Richard
Auberger, Janick
Aubineau, Michel
Augustin, Pierre
Aujac, Germaine
Aujoulat, Noël.
Aussedat, Mathilde
Auzépy, Marie-France
Avogaro, Davide
Azéma, Yvan.
Azzali, G.
Álvarez, Adelino
Álvarez-Pedrosa, Juan Antonio
Babcock, Emily Atwater
Bacci, Lucia
Bachmann, M.
Bachrach, David
Bacot, Seÿna
Bádenas de la Peña, Pedro
Bady, Guillaume
Bagatti, Bellarmino
Baggarly, John
Baguenard, Jean-Marie
Bahník, Václav
Bais, Marco
Bakirtzēs, Ch.
Balatsoukas, S.
Baldelli, Romano
Baldi, Davide
Baldrich López, M. S.
Baldwin, Barry
Balfour, David
Ballaira, Guglielmo
Ballano, A.
Balleriaux, Omer
Baloglou, Christos P.
Baloglou, George
Baltzly, Dirk
Bamberger, John Eudes
Banchich, Thomas
Bandt, Cordula
Bandy, Anastasius C.
Bara, Adriana
Barbel, Josef
Barber, Charles
Barber, Malcolm
Barberà, Jean Marie.
Barbero, Marco
Barchiesi, Marino
Bardy, Gustave
Barker, Ernest
Barker, John W.
Barkhuizen, J. H.
Barmin, Aleksej V.
Barnes, Timothy David
Barone, Francesca Prometea
Barrois, Georges Augustin
Bartelink, G. J. M.
Bartholomai, Rainer.
Bartsocas, C. S.
Bartusis, Mark
Barzaghi, Giuseppe
Bassi, Domenico
Bate, A. K.
Baum, Wilhelm
Baynes, Norman Hepburn
Bazzani, Marina
Bádenas de la Peña, Pedro
Bánhegyi, György
Beck, Edmund
Beck, Hans-Georg
Becker, Matthias
Bedrosian, Robert
Beetham, Frank
Begzos, Marios P.
Behr, John
Behrends, Okko
Bélanger Sarrazin, Roxanne
Beldiceanu, Nicoarǎ
Belke, Klaus
Bell, H. Idris ed
Bell, P. N.
Bellini, Enzo
Beltz, Walter
Ben Nasser, Khalifa
Benaissa, Amin
Benakes, Linos
Benedetti, Lisa
Beneker, Jeffery
Bennasser, Khalifa
Bentein, Klaas
Berger, Albrecht
Berkes, Lajos
Berlanga, I
Bernard, Floris
Bernard, Hildegund
Bernardi, Jean
Berrigan, Joseph R.
Berry, Virginia Gingerick
Berschin, Walter
Berthold, George C.
Berto, Luigi Andrea
Betts, Gavin
Bevan, George
Beyer, Hans-Veit
Bianchi, Nunzio
Bidez, Joseph
Billerbeck, Margarethe
Binder, Gerhard
Binns, John
Bird, H. W.
Birks, Peter
Blackett, Basil P.
Bláhová, E.
Blake, Robert P.
Blanc, Cécile
Blanch, C. A.
Blanchet, Marie-Hélène
Blaudeau, Philippe
Bleckmann, Bruno
Bliznyuk, Svetlana V.
Blockley, R. C.
Blowers, Paul M.
Blum, Hartmut
Blum, Manfred
Blum, Wilhelm
Blume, Fred
Blumell, Lincoln
Blumenthal, Albrecht von
Blumenthal, H. J.
Boak, A. E. R.
Bodenheimer, F. S.
Boeten, Julie
Bofarull y de Brocá, Antonio de
Bohm, Henry G.
Boicu, Dragoș
Bojanin S.
Bojin, Marinela
Bondoux, René
Bongie, Elizabeth Bryson
Bonnet, Michel
Boor, Carl de
Borghart, Pieter
Borghini, Bonifacio
Borisov, Grigorij
Borowska, Małgorzata
Bos, Gerrit
Bossier, F.
Boswell, John
Bosworth, Clifford Edmund
Bouchet, René
Boudignon, Christian
Bouffartigue, Jean
Bougard, François
Boulenger, Fernand
Boulnois, Marie-Odile
Bouras-Valliantos, Petros
Bourbouhakis, Emmanuel
Bowen, Anthony
Böhlig, Gertrud
Bradbury, Scott
Brague, Rémi
Brakke, David
Brand, Charles M.
Brändle, Rudolf
Brennan, Tad
Breyer, Leopold
Bringel, Pauline
Brittain, Charles
Brock, Sebastian P.
Brodersen, Christiane
Brodersen, Kai
Brodka, Dariusz
Brooks, E. W.
Brottier, Laurence.
Brown, Peter G.
Browne, Gerald M.
Browning, Robert
Brubaker, Jeff
Bruni, Leonardo
Bruns, Peter
Bruzzese, Luca
Bryen, Ari Z.
Brzostkowska, Alina
Brzozowska, Zofia
Buchanan, James J.
Buchinger, Harald
Buchon, J. A. C.
Buckland, W. W.
Buckler, W. H.
Bucossi, Alessandra
Budge, E. A. Wallis
Budzanowska, Dominika
Burgess, Richard
Burgmann, Ludwig
Burguière, Paul
Burton, Joan B.
Bury, J. B.
Butts, Aaron Michael
Bülow-Jacobsen, Adam
Bydén, Börje
Błażewicz, Paweł
Caballero González, M.
Caballero Sanchez, Paula
Caciolli, Lidia
Cacouros, Michel
Cahen, Claude
Calder III, William Musgrave
Calzolari, Valentina
Camelot, P. Th.
Cameron, Alan
Cameron, Averil
Caminero, F.
Cammelli, Giuseppe
Campagnano Di Segni, Leah
Campagnano, Antonella
Campbell, Thomas L.
Camplani, Alberto
Camps i Gaset, Montserrat
Canard, Marius Pērpērean Hayk
Candau Morón, J. M.
Caner, Daniel
Canevet, Mariette
Canivet, Pierre
Canivet, Pierre.
Cantarella, Raffaele
Capizzi, Carmelo
Capra, Raymond
Carbonaro, G.
Cardullo, Loredana
Cariello, Nicola
Carney, Thomas F.
Carpenter, Marjorie
Carpinato, Caterina
Carroll, Alastair
Carroll, Margaret G.
Carta, Camillo
Casamiquela Gerhold, Victoria
Caseau, Beatrice
Casey, Robert Pierce
Casiday, Augustine
Casini, Alfonso
Cassidy, Nathan John
Cassin, Matthieu
Cassingena, François
Cassingena-Trévedy, François
Castan, Pierre
Castillo Didier, Miguel
Cataldo, Antonio
Catanzaro, C. J. de
Cattaneo, Gianmario
Cattoi, Thomas
Cavalca, Domenico
Cavallero, Pablo A.
Cavarra, Berenice
Centanni, Monica
Cerbelaud, Dominique
Ceretʻlis, Grigol
Certo, Mario
Ceruti, Antonio
Ceruti, Federico
Cervellin-Chevalier, Isabelle
Cesaretti, Paolo
Ceulemans, Reinhart
Chabot, Jean Baptiste
Chadwick, Owen
Chahnazarian, Garabed V.
Chaîne, Marius
Chapman, Rupert L.
Charalampidēs, Kyriakos
Charanis, Peter
Charisēs, Vasilēs Anast
Charles M.
Charles, R. H.
Charlton, William
Chase, Frederic Hathaway
Chase, Michael
Chatzelis, Georgios
Chatzēmichaēl, Dēmētrios K.
Chauvot, Alain
Chesnut, Glenn F.
Chétanian, Rose Varteni.
Chichurov, I. S. (Igorʹ Sergeevich)
Childers, Jeff W.
Chitty, Derwas J.
Chmielarz, Małgorzata
Chodźko, Alexander
Chrēstos, Ath.
Chrēstou, Panagiōtēs K.
Christensen, Jonas
Christides, Vassilios
Christo, Gus George
Christova-Šomova, Iskra
Chronē, Maria
Chronz, Michael
Chrysogelos, Kōnstantinos
Chrysostomides, Juliana
Chryssavgis, John
Ciarlo, Domenico
Cibranska-Kostova, Marijana
Ciccolella, Federica
Cichocka, Helena
Cikán, Ondřej
Cinetto de González, L.
Cioffari, Gerardo
Citati, Pietro
Clark, Elizabeth A.
Clark, Gillian.
Clarke, Emma C.
Clarke, W. K. Lowther
Clavié, Laurent
Clerc, Didier
Cobham, Claude Delaval
Coco, Lucio
Coleriu, Stefan
Colpani, Giovanni
Combès, Joseph
Comparetti, Domenico
Conca, Fabrizio
Congourdeau, Marie-Hélène
Connor, Carolyn L.
Connor, W. Robert
Conomos, Dimitri E.
Constable, Giles
Constas, Nicholas
Contardi, Federico
Conte, Antonella
Conterno, Maria
Conti Bizzarro, Ferruccio
Contin, Benedetta
Conus-Wolska, W.
Cook, Brad L.
Cook, Stanley Arthur
Corcella, Aldo
Corcoran, Simon
Coresciuc, Roger
Cornavaca, R.
Cornish, Hubert Kestell
Corrigan, Kevin
Cortassa, Guido
Corte, Marcel de
Cosebtino, Salvatore
Costa, Ivano
Costachi, Veniamin
Coste, David
Coulie, Bernard.
Countryman, Louis William
Courtonne, Yves
Couser, Jonathan
Coyne, Patricia
Creazzo, Tiziana
Cremaschi, Lisa
Crepaldi, Maria Grazia
Cresci, Lia Raffaella
Cribiore, Raffaela
Crimi, Carmelo
Crisafulli, Virgil S.
Criscuolo, Ugo
Crogiez-Pétrequin, Sylvie
Croke, Brian
Cronier, Marie
Crosby, Michael
Cross, F. L.
Crostini Lappin, Barbara
Crum, W. E.
Crusé, Christian Frederic
Cuadrado, J. F.
Cullhed, Eric
Cunningham, Mary B.
Cuomo, Andrea Massimo
Cupane, Carolina
Cyril, Conybeare, F. C.
Cyrulski, Marcin
Černova, Maria Aleksandrovna
D'Agostino, Pietro
D'Aiuto, Francesco
D'Ambrosi, Mario
d'Ayala Valva, Luigi
Dąbrowska, Ewa
Dagron, Gilbert
Dahlman, Britt
Dahme, Klaus Nicodemus Makarios
Dain, Alphonse
Dalby, Andrew
Daley, Brian
Dalkos, Kōnstantinos Iō
Dallas, Giannēs
Daniélou, Jean
Danova, Penka
Daremberg, Charles
Darrouzès, Jean
Daskas, Beatrice
Datema, Cornelis
Davis, Harold T.
Davis, Sarah
Dawes, Elizabeth
Dawkins, R. M.
Dayantis, Jean
De Glas, Nico
De Groot, Sien
de Medeiros Publio Dias, João Vicente
De Ridder, Niels
De Samaranch, F.
De Vos, Ilse
Deakin, Michael A. B.
Debidour, Victor-Henry
Debie, Muriel
DeClerck, José Hendrik
Deferrari, Roy J.
Dehandschutter, B.
Del Corno, Dario
Del Medico, H. E.
Del Molar, N.
Del Soldato, Eva
DelCogliano, Mark
Delcorno, Carlo
Delilbaşı, Melek
Dell’Osso, Carlo
Delouis, Olivier
Demetriades, Andreas K.
Demetriades, Kyriacos
Demirkent, Işın
Demoen, Kristoffel
Dennis, George T.
Deppe, Klaus
Dermitzakis, Mich D.
Déroche, Vincent
Des Places, Edouard
Deschauer, Stefan
Desclot, Bernat.
Deseille, Placide
Detoraki, Marina
Detorakis, Theocharis
Deun, Peter van
Deuse, Werner
Dewing, H. B.
Dēmētroukas, Iōannēs Ch
Di Branco, Marco
di Meglio, Salvatore
Díaz Sánchez-Cid, J. R.
Díaz-Rolando, E.
Didderen J. C.
Diepen, H. M.
Dieten, Jan-Louis van
Dijkstra, Jitse H. F.
Dillon, John M.
DiMaio, Michael
Dimitrova, Margaret
Dobak, Cezary
Doblhofer, Ernst
Dodds, E. R.
Dodgeon, M.H.
Dolen, Hein L. van
Dölger, F.
Donner, Herbert
Doran, Robert
Dorival, Gilles
Dostálová, Růžena
Douglass, Scot
Doutreleau, Louis
Downey, Glanville
Dowsett, C. J. F.
Dölker, Albrecht
Dragičević, Pavle
Drake, H. A.
Drell, Joanna H.
Driscoll, Jeremy
Driver, Godfrey Rolles
Drobner, Hubertus R.
Drosihn, Claudia
Drugaş Şerban George Paul
Druon, H. (Henri)
Dubarle, André-Marie
Dubrovina, V. F.
Ducellier, Alain
Ducene, Jean-Charles
Dueck, Daniela
Duffy, John M.
Duĭchev, Ivan
Dumont, Bastien
Dumont, P.
Dumortier, Jean
Duran Manas, Mónica
Durand, Georges-Matthieu de
Dusik-Krupa, Ewa
Duvick, Brian
Dyck, Andrew R.
Dysinger, Luke
Ebied, R. Y.
Edgar, C. C.
Edwards, M. J.
Efthymiadis, Stephanos
Egan, George A.
Egea, José M.
Eideneier, Hans
Eijk, Ph. J. van der
Eisenberg, Merle
Eknoyan, Garabed
Ellisen, Adolf
Elorriaga, C.
Elton, Hugh
Enache, Parascheva
Enrico, Marco
Eramo, Immacolata
Erler, Michael.
Ervine, Roberta R.
Eshel, Shay
Esmarats, V.
Espejo Jáimez, Gonzalo
Eszer, Ambrosius K.
Ettlinger, Gérard H.
Evans, Austin P.
Evdokimov, Paul
Evieux, Pierre
Eynde, Ceslas van den
Fahl, Dieter
Fahl, Sabine
Failler, Albert
Fairley, William
Fanelli, Marco
Farell, J. P.
Fatouros, Georgios
Faulkner, Andrew
Featherstone, Jeffrey
Featherstone, Michael
Fecioru, Dumitru
Feraru, Remus
Ferguson, Everett
Fernández Galiano, M.
Fernández Jiménez, F. M.
Fernández, S.
Fernández, Tomás
Ferrante, Domenico
Festugière, A. J.
Fiaccadori, Gianfranco
Fields, Lee M.
Filippi, Francesca
Finamore, John F.
Fink, Walter
Finlay, George
Finlay, Patricia
Fisher, Elizabeth A.
Fishman-Duker, Rivkah
FitzGerald, Augustine
Fitzgerald, Brian
Fleet, Barrie
Flores Rubio, J. A.
Flusin, Bernard
Fobelli, Maria Luigia
Fogielman, Charles-Antoine
Follieri, Enrica
Follieri, Enrica.
Follon, J.
Fontrier, Ambroise
Ford, David C.
Forlin Patrucco, Marcella.
Foss, Clive
Fostikov, Aleksandra
Fotiou, Athanasios
Foucault, J.-A. de
Fourmy, M.-H.
Förstel, Karl
Franco, Carlo.
Frankopan, Peter
Freeman-Grenville, G. S. P.
Freese, John Henry
Fremantle, W. H.
French, R. M.
Frend, W. H. C.
Frendo, David
Frendo, Joseph D.
Freshfield, Edwin Hanson
Freydank, Dietrich
Frier, Bruce
Fritsch, Emmanuel
Furley, David J.
Fusco, Roberto
Gabel, Ricarda
Gabilondo Pujol, Á.
Gabler, Franz
Gaddis, Michael
Gadra, Thomas A.
Gaertner, Jan Felix
Gallay, Paul
Gallico, Antonino
Gallinari, Luigi
Gambash, Gil
Gamber, Klaus
Gamber, Wolfram
Gamillscheg, Ernst
Gandillac, Maurice de.
Gara, Katarzyna
Gârbacea, Radu
García Amorós, Maila
García Blanco, J.
García Romero, F. A.
García Romero, Francisco Antonio
García Ruiz, J. M.
García Valverde, J. M.
García, Á.
García Gual, Carlos
Gargiulo, Tristano
Garnsey, Peter
Garstad, Benjamin
Garton, Charles
Garzón Bosque, I.
Garzya, Antonio
Gascou, Jean
Gaskin, Richard
Gaspart, Herman
Gastaldo, A.
Gastgeber, Christian
Gauer, Heinz
Gaul, Niels
Gautier, Paul
Gazzaniga, Valentina
Gazzini, Chiara
Geanakoplos, Deno John
Gehin, Paul
Gentile Messina, Renata
Georgescu, Constantin
Georgieva, Silvia
Georgopoulos, Sofia
Gerakarēs, Angelos
Gerhards, Albert
Gerstinger, Hans
Gertz, Sebastian
Getov, Dorotei
Géhin, Paul
Giannachi, Francesco G.
Giannarelli, Elena
Giannouli, Antonia
Giardina, Giovanna R.
Gibson, Craig A.
Giet, Stanislas
Gifford, Edwin Hamilton
Gigante, Marcello
Gill, Joseph
Giovanni, da Falgano
Girardet, Klaus Martin
Given, John
Givković, Kiril
Gjuzelev, Vassil
Glagla, Joseph,
Glaros, Athanasios B.
Glinicka, Małgorzata
Glinka, L.
Goggin, Thomas Aquinas
Golder, Werner
Goldin, Owen
Goldwyn, Adam J.
Golitsis, Pantelis
Golitzin, Alexander
Golyshenko, V. S.
Goncharko, Oksana Yu
Gonis, Nikolaos
Gonnelli Fabrizio
Gonnelli, F.
González de Cardedal, O.
González Gálvez, Á.
Goodenough, Anna Kinsky
Goosens, Roger
Gorce, Denys
Gordon, Colin Douglas
Gottfried, Adolf
Gouillard, J.
Goulet, Richard
Graber, Rudolf
Grabler, Franz
Graef, Hilda C.
Graffigna, Paola
Graffin, François
Graham, Hugh F.
Granado, Carmelo
Grand'henry, Jacques
Grau Guijarro, S.
Graz, Florian
Greatrex, Geoffrey
Greco, Claudia
Grecu, Vasile
Greenfield, Richard P.H.
Greenwood, Tim
Greer, Rowan A.
Gregg, Robert C.
Grēgoriadēs, Iordanēs
Grelois, Jean-Pierre
Greselin, Emanuele
Grégoire, Henri
Grélois, Jean-Pierre
Grēgoriadēs Iordanēs
Griffin, Carl W.
Griffin, Michael
Griggs, Daniel K.
Grigoraș, Mihai
Grill, Severin
Grillet, Bernard
Grimm-Stadelmann, Isabel
Grohmann, Adolf
Groote, Marc de
Grosdidier de Matons, J.
Gruber, Joachim
Grumel, V.
Grünbart, Michael
Gryunert, Anna
Gstrein, Heinz
Guardasole, Alessia
Guérard, Marie-Gabrielle
Guilland, Rodolphe
Guillaumont, Antoine
Guillaumont, Claire
Guinot, Jean-Noël
Gurruchaga, Martín
Guscin, Mark
Guy, Jean-Claude
Gyphtopoulou, Sophia
Haas, Frans A. J. de
Hachatoorian, Hachatoor
Hacken, Clara ten
Hackenburg, Clint
Hadjikyriakou, Georgios N.
Hadot, Ilsetraut
Hadot, Pierre
Hagedorn, Dieter
Hagen, Charles
Hague, René
Haight, Elizabeth Hazelton
Haklai, Merav
Haldon, John F.
Halkin, François
Hall, Stuart George
Hallam, Elizabeth M.
Halsall, Paul
Halton, Thomas P.
Hamilton, Bernard
Hamilton, F. J.
Hamilton, Janet
Hamman, A. G.
Hanak, Walter K.
Hanawalt, Emily Albu
Hankinson, R. J.
Hannick, Christian
Hansbury, Mary
Hansen, Günther Christian
Hanson, Craig L.
Harkins, Paul W.
Harrak, Amir
Harris, J. Rendel
Harris, Jonathan
Harrison, Verna E. F.
Hartmann, Antonin
Harvey, Susan Ashbrook
Hathaway, Ronald F.
Hatlie, Peter
Hauptová, Zoe
Hausherr, Irénée
Hayton, Darin
Hägg, Tomas
Heather, P. J.
Heil, Günter
Heimgartner, Martin
Heine, Ronald E.
Heinrich, Aaron I.
Heisenberg, August
Heiser, Andreas
Helfer, Walter
Henry, René
Heredia, Juan Fernández de
Hernández de la Fuente, D.
Hero, Angela Constantinides
Herrin, Judith
Hershbell, Jackson P.
Hespel, Robert
Hesse, Otmar
Hesseling, D.-C.
Hewsen, Robert H.
Heyden, Katharina
Hidal, Sten
Hildebrand, Stephen M.
Hilkens, Andy
Hill, George Francis
Hill, John Hugh
Hill, Laurita Lyttleton
Hill, Robert C.
Hill, Rosalind T.
Hindo, Behnan
Hinkovski, Simeon
Hinterberger, Martin
Hirano, Tomohiro
Hobeika, Joseph
Hoch, Gerhard
Hodgson, Leonard
Hoffmann, Philippe
Hofstra, Johan D.
Hogg, Charles R.
Hokwerda, Hero
Holo, Joshua
Holy Transfiguration Monastery
Hooker, Mischa
Hörandner, Wolfram
Horn, Cornelia
Horn, Gabriel
Hotchkiss, Robert V.
Howard-Johnston, J. D.
Hoyland, Robert G.
Huby, Pamela M.
Hughes, Robert D.
Hull, Denison Bingham
Hult, Karin
Humphreys, Mike
Hunger, Herbert
Hunink, Vincent
Hunt, Arthur S.
Hunter, David G.
Hussey, J. M.
Huxley, George Leonard
Hübner, Adelheid
Høgel, Christian
Iacopino, Rinaldo
Iadevaia, Francesca
Ibáñez Chacón, Álvaro
Ibrahim, Ayman
Ică, Ioan I.
Ieraci Bio, Anna Maria
Ilarion, Metropolitan of Volokolamsk
Iliev, Ilija G.
Illert, Martin
Iluk, Jan
Impellizzeri, Salvatore
İnalcık, Halil
Ionides, A. C.
Ionuț, Daniel Băncilă
Irmer, Dieter
Isaac, Daniel
Istrin, V. M.
Ivanišević, Dora
Ivanov, S. A.
Ivanović, Miloš
Ivánka, Endre von
I︠U︡zbashi︠a︡n, Karen Nikitich
Jackson, Blomfield
Jackson, Robin
Jacob, Xavier
Jaillette, Pierre
James, Liz
Janeras i Vilaró, S.
Janni, Pietro
Jansen, Katherine Ludwig
Jašunskij, R. V.
Jaworska-Wołoszyn, Magdalena
Ječmenica, Dejan
Jeffery, Arthur
Jeffreys, Elizabeth
Jeffreys, Michael
Jegher-Bucher, Verena.
Jenkins, David
Jenkins, R. J. H.
Jesiotr, Małgorzata
Jiménez Gazapo, P.
Joannes, Zacharias,
Joannou, Périclès-Pierre
Joest, Christoph
Johansson, Mikael
Johnson, Scott Fitzgerald
Jolowicz, H. F.
Jones, Alexander
Jones, C. P.
Jones, J. R. Melville
Jones, John D.
Joranson, Einar
Jordan, Robert H.
Jouanno, Corinne
Jugie, Martin
Julaev, Feodor
Junod, Eric
Jurewicz, Oktawiusz
Kaestli, Jean-Daniel
Kaïmakēs Dēmētrios V.
Kaïmakēs Dēmētrios V.
Kaldellis, Anthony
Kalinin, Maksim G.
Kalivoda, Jan
Kalonaros, Petros P.
Kalvesmaki, Joel
Kampffmeyer, Georg
Kannengiesser, Charles
Kaplan, Michel
Kappes, Christiaan W.
Kaproulias, Apostolos Ant.
Karalēs, Vrasidas
Karalēs, Vrasidas
Karayannopoulos, I. E.
Karfíková, Lenka
Karlin-Hayter, Patricia
Karlsson, Gustav H.
Karpov, S. P.
Karpozilos, Apostolos D.
Karras, Valerie
Kastritsis, Dimitris
Katsanis, Konstantinos
Katsaros, Vasilēs
Katzoff, Ranon
Kaufhold, Hubert
Kaufman, Stephen A.
Kazhdan, A. P.
Kaʻbī, Naṣīr ʻAbd al-Ḥusayn
Käs, Fabian
Kehl, Aloys
Kelly, Michael
Kenanov, Dimităr
Kendall, Bridget
Kennedy, George Alexander
Kennedy, Scott
Kéchichian, Isaac
Khawwām, Jūrj
Khitrov, M.
Khoury, Adel Théodore
Kianka, Frances
Kiapidou, Eirēnē-Sophia
Kihn, Heinrich
Kim, Sergej
Kim, Young Richard
King, Daniel
Kinzig, Wolfram
Kiraz, George Anton
Kirchhoff, Kilian
Kitchen, Robert A.
Klüppel, Theodor
Knapp, Charles
Koder, Johannes
Koenen, Ludwig
Koenig, Yvan
Koetschet, Pauline
Kokkini, Dimitra
Kolbaba, Tia M.
Kolbe, Bernard
Kolbert, Colin Francis
Kolias, Geōrgios T.
Kolias, Taxiarchis G.
Kollamparampil, Thomas
Kollmann, Bernd
Kolovou, Phōteinē
Komsta, Monika
Konstan, David
Konstantinou, Ariadne
Kontouma, Vassa
Kopylenko, M. M.
Korteová, Karla
Kortüm, Carl Wilhelm Christian
Korzakova, Hava B.
Kosiński, Rafał
Kōstarelē, Lina
Kostova, Elena
Kotsiphos, Giannēs
Kotłowska, Anna
Kouli, Maria
Koulouridou, Giōta
Koustenēs, Ananias
Koutentaki, M.
Koutsas, Symeōn P.
Kozah, Mario
Kozlov, Aleksandr
Kołoczek, Bartosz Jan
Kraft, András
Krallis, Dimitris
Krannich, Torsten
Krapinger, Gernot
Krausmüller, Dirk
Kravčenko, Andrej A.
Kresten, Otto
Krey, August C.
Krischer, Tilman
Kritikakou, K.
Krĭukov, Alexeĭ
Krivov, Michail V.
Krivushin, I. V.
Krottenthaler, Stephan
Krstić, Aleksandar
Krueger, Derek
Krueger, Paul
Kubina, Krystina
Kuchma, V. V.
Kudian, MIscha
Kuehn, Clement
Kugener, M.-A.
Kugener, Marc Antoine
Kuhn, K. H.
Kulhánková, Markéta
Kuper, Charles
Kupreeva, Inna
Kurbanov, Audrey
Kuzenkov, Pavel V.
Kyriakidēs, Stilpōn Paraskeua
Kyriakis, Michael J.
La Monte, J. L.
La Porta, S.
La Spisa, Paolo
Labadie, Damien
Lackner, Wolfgang
Lacombrade, Christian
Lagarde, Bernadette
Lagarrigue, Georges
Laiou, Angeliki E.
Laistner, M. L. W.
Lake, Kirsopp
Lamers, Han
Lamoreaux, John C.
Lamoureux, Jacques
Lampadaridi, Anna
Lampsidēs, Odysseus.
Lane, Eugene
Lang, Helen S.
Lang, Uwe Michael
Lang, Wolfram
Laniado, Avshalom
Lanzi, Silvia
Laourdas, Vasileios
Larchet, Jean-Claude
Larsen, Tage
Lash, Ephrem
Lasker, Daniel
Laurent, V.
Lauritzen, Frederick
Lautner, Peter
Lavalle Norman, Dawn
Lavaud, Benoît
Lavenant, René
Lavoie J.-M.
Lawlor, Hugh Jackson
Lawson, Penelope
Layman, Trevor
Le Tiec, Agnès
Leathley, S. A.
Leclercq, Philippe
Leder, Stefan
Ledrux, P.
Lee, R. W.
Leemans, J.
Lefort, Jacques
Legrand, Emile
Leib Bernard
Leiser, Gary
Lelli, Emanuele
Leloir, Louis
Lemerle, Paul
Lemoine, Eugène
Lempire, Jean
Leone, Luigi
Leone, Pietro L. M.
Leppin, Hartmut
Lequeux, Xavier
Leroy, Julien
Leroy, M.
Leroy-Molinghen, Alice
Lesmüller-Werner, A.
Leszka, Mirosław
Lethaby, W. R.
Lettinck, Paul
Leurquin, Régine
Levchenko, M. V.
Levitan, William
Levrie, Katrien
Lewis, C. S.
Licciardi, Ivan Adriano
Liesenborghs, Leo
Lieu, Samuel N. C.
Liébaert, Jacques,
Liiceanu, Gabriel
Lilla, Salvatore
Limberis, Vasiliki
Link, Michael
Linnér, Sture
Lionetti, Ruggiero
Lipatov-Chicherin, Nikolai
Lipshit︠s︡, Elena Ėmmanuilovna
Lisi, Francisco L.
Litavrin, G. G.
Livanos, Christopher
Li︠u︡barskiĭ, I︠A︡. N.
Lock, Peter
Loenertz, Raymond Joseph
Lokin, J. H. A.
Lollar, Joshua
Lombardo, Stanley
Long, Jacqueline
Longnon, Jean
Loofs, Friedrich
Loomis, Louise R.
López Sáez, F. J.
Lorenz, Irmgard
Loretto, Franz
Lossky, Andre
Lossky, Vladimir
Loukaki, Marina
Louth, Andrew
Love, Edward O. D.
Luchner, Katharina
Luciani, Christiano
Ludwig, Claudia
Lugaresi, Leonardo
Luibhéid, Colm
Luna, Concetta
Lupi, Simona
Lurier, Harold E.
Lusini, Gianfrancesco
LÜThi, Sébastien
Luz, Menahem
Luzzatto, Maria Jagoda
Luzzi, Andrea
Lycos, Kimon
Lytvynenko, Viacheslav V.
Maas, Michael
MacCoull, Leslie S. B.
Macé, Caroline
MacKay, Thomas
Mackintosh, James
Macler, Frédéric
Macrides, R. J.
Macro, A. D.
Magdalino, Paul
Magdelaine, Caroline
Magoulias, Harry J.
Mahé, Jean-Pierre
Maisano, Riccardo
Makarov, Dmitrij
Makeeva, I. I.
Maldonado Villena, Francisco
Malherbe, Abraham J.
Malingrey, Anne Marie
Malosse, Pierre-Louis
Manafis, Panagiotis
Mandilaras, Basil G.
Mango, Cyril A.
Mangogna, Viviana
Manolova, Divna
Manolova, Divna:,
Mantelli, Sincero
Manterola, S. D.
Manuel Pinkler, L. M.
Manzano, Sánchez
Maraval, Pierre
Marciniak, Przemysław
Maréchaux, Pierre
Marganne, Marie-Helene
Marichal, Robert
Mariev, Sergei
Marinides, Nicholas
Markopoulos, A.
Marotta, Eugenio
Marshall, Tarrant Harold
Martelli, Matteo
Martens, Peter W.
Marti, Heinrich
Martin, J. P. P.
Martin, Jean
Martin-Hisard, Bernadette
Martín-Lunas, T. H.
Martines, Lauro
Martínez García, Ó
Martínez Manzano, T.
Martín García, Francisco
Marzillo, Patrizia
Massa Positano, Lydia
Masterson, Mark
Matantseva, Tatiana
Mateo-Seco, Lucas F.
Mathews, Edward G.
Matino, Giuseppina
Matthews, John
Mattingly, Harold
Matula, Jozef
Matzukis, Corinna
Maurice, Cascarino Giuseppe
Mavrogordato, John
Mayer, Wendy
Mazza, Roberta
McCambley, Casimir
McCarthy, Carmel
McCauley, Leo P.
McCollum, Adam Carter
McCrindle, John Watson
McEnerney, John I.
McGeer, Eric
McGiffert, Arthur Cushman
McGinnis, Jon
McGinty, Martha E.
McGrath, Stamatina
McGuckin, John Anthony
McGuckin, Paul
McGuire, Martin R. P.
McKirahan, Richard D.
McLeod, Grant
McNabb, Vincent
McNeal, Edgar Holmes
McNulty, P. A.
McPherson, C. W.
McVey, Kathleen E.
Medley, John
Meehan, Denis Molaise
Meeks, Wayne A.
Meesters, Renaat
Meier, Beno
Meier, Mischa
Meijering, E. P.
Meijering, Roos
Meimaris, Yiannis E.
Mejzner, Miroslaw
Meletios, Metropolitan of Nikopolis
Mellas, Andrew
Meloni, Giuseppe
Menua, Ani
Mercier, Raymond
Merino Castrillo, Juan
Merino Rodríguez, M.
Merkelbach, Reinhold
Mertlík, Rudolf
Messes, Chares
Metzler, Karin
Meunier, Bernard
Meunier, Florence
Meyendorff, John
Meyendorff, Paul
Meyer, Robert T.
Mélikoff, Irène
Métivier, Sophie
Mētsē, Euterpē
Mierow, Charles Christopher
Migliorini, Tommaso
Miguet, Thibault
Mihăescu, H.
Mikhail, Ramez
Miller, Dana
Miller, David
Miller, E.
Miller, T.
Miller, Timothy S.
Milner, N. P.
Milovanović, Čelica
Minasidis, Dimitris
Minčeva, Angelina
Mingana, Alphonse
Minniti Colonna, Maria.
Minorsky, Vladimir
Mirachvili-Springer, Nana
Mirošničenko, Evgeniĭ
Mirosław J.
Mišić, Siniša
Mitchell, Margaret M.
Mitev, Nevjan
Mitrea, Mihail,
Moennig, Ulrich
Moffatt, Ann
Moftah, Ragheb
Mogenet, Joseph
Mohrmann, Christine
Molinier, Nicolas
Moll, Sebastian
Molodeț, Petru
Mommsen, Theodor
Moncur, David
Monfasani, John
Monferrer Sala, Juan Pedro
Moniou, Dēmētra
Monro, C. H.
Montenz, Nicola
Monteserrat, Dominic
Monticini, Francesco
Montoneri, Luciano
Moody, Helen
Moore, H.
Moore, Lazarus
Moosa, Matti
Morani, Moreno
Moravcsik, Gyula
Morel-Fatio, Alfred
Morelli, Patrizia.
Moreno Jurado, J. A.
Moreschini, Claudio
Morris, J. B.
Morris, Rosemary
Morrow, Glenn R.
Mortari, Luciana
Moscatelli, Francesca
Moschos, Dēmētrios
Moskhos, Mikhalis
Mossay, Justin
Mouselimas, Soterios
Movia, Giancarlo
Moyle, John Baron
Mueller, Ian
Mugler, Joshua
Müller, K.
Mullett, Margaret
Munitiz, Joseph A.
Muñoz Gallarte, Israel
Muradyan, Gohar
Murād, Sulaymān ʻAlī
Murison, Alexander Falconer
Murzaku, Ines,
Mussini, Alessandro
Musso, Olimpio
Musurillo, Herbert
Muthreich, Michael
Müller, Karel
Myer, Isaac
Nadal Cañellas, Juan
Naldini, Mario
Nasmith, David
Nasturel, Pierre S.
Nau, François
Nautin, Pierre
Nazaru, Sebastian
Nefedkin, Alexander K.
Neil, Bronwen
Neirynck, S.
Nellas, Panayiotis
Nelson, Robert
Neola, Benedetto
Neri, Moreno
Neri, Umberto
Nesbitt, J.
Nesbitt, John W.
Neševa, Violeta
Nesselrath, H.-G.
Neville, Graham
Neyrand, Louis
Niavis, Pavlos E.
Nicholas G.
Nicholas, Nick
Nicholson, Dorothy Lamb Brooke, Lady
Nicole, Jules
Nicosia, Giorgia
Niehoff-Panagiotidis, Johannes
Nieto Ibáñez, Jesús María
Nieva, J. M.
Nikoloudēs, Nikolaos G.
Nikolov, Aleksandăr
Nikolov, Georgi N.
Nikolov, Spass
Nilsson, Ingela
Nischer-Falkenhof, Ernst von
Niutta, Francesca
Nixon, C. E. V.
Noailles, Pierre
Noble, Alison
Noce, Celestino
Noret, Jacques
Norman, A. F.
Norris, Frederick W.
Novikov, N. E.
Novotný, František
Núñez Esteban, Gregoria
O'Faolain, Julia
O'Keefe, John J.
O'Meara, Dominic J.
O'Neill, William
Oberhelman, Steven M.
Obreškov, Vesko
Odenkirchen, Carl J.
Odorico, Paolo
Ogara, F.
Oikonomidès, Nicolas
Olajos, Thérèse
Olivar, A.
Olson, S. Douglas
Olster, David
Op de Coul, Michiel
Opsomer, Jan
Orlandi, Tito
Ortega Villaro, B.
Ortega Villaro, Begoña
Ortega Villaro, Begoña
Ortega, Rosario García
Orth, Emil
Orth, Peter
Ortolá Salas, F. J.
Orton, Robin
Osborne, Catherine
Osek, Ewa
Osswald, Brendan
Oteo Uruñuela, J.
Oulton, John Ernest Leonard
Outtier, Bernard
Ovadiah, Asher
Ozbic, Maila
O’Callaghan, J.
Pace, Giovanna
Páclová, Ilona
Paev, Kostadin
Page, Denys Lionel
Pagès, Paule
Paidas, Konstantinos D. S.
Pająkowska-Bouallegui, Anna
Palmer, Andrew
Panagiōtēs K.
Panagiōtou, A. D.
Paoletti, Giulia M.
Papachryssanthou, P.
Papadopoulou, Eutychia
Papageorgiou, Panayiotis
Papagianne, Eleutheria
Papaioannou, Stratis
Papaloizos, Theodore C.
Paparozzi, Maurizio
Papathomas, Amphilochios
Papazoglou, Geōrgios K.
Papillon, Terry L.
Paramelle, Joseph
Paravano, Cosimo
Parker, John
Parmentier, Léon
Paschalidēs, Symeōn A.
Paschos, E. A.
Paschoud, François.
Pasquale, Giuseppe
Passuth, László
Patedakis, Manolis S.
Patillon, Michel
Patri, Sylvain
Paul, Anneliese
Pavlík, Jiří
Payne Smith, R.
Pearse, Roger
Peden, James
Peers, Glenn
Peleanu, Adina
Pelendrides, A.
Peltomaa, Leena Mari
Penella, Robert J.
Penna, Daphne
Perczel, István
Periago Lorente, M.
Perisanidi, Maroula
Pernet, Christian
Perrella, Ettore
Perry, B. E.
Pertusi, Agostino
Perusino, Franca
Peters, Edward
Peters-Custos, Annick
Petersen, Joan M.
Petit, Françoise
Petit, Louis
Petit, Paul
Petkas, Alex
Petkov, Petko
Petras, Simōnos
Petrizzo, Francesca
Petrović V.
Petruccione, John, Hill, Robert C.
Petrynko, O.
Peveraro, O.
Pérez Martín, Inmaculada
Périchon, Pierre
Pétrossian, Lévon
Pharr, Clyde
Philippides, Marios
Philippidis-Braat, Anna
Phillips, David
Phoenix, Robert
Phyrigos, Antōnēs
Piccione, Rosa Maria
Pichkhadze, A. A.
Pieralli, Luca
Pietrobelli, Antoine
Piédagnel, Auguste
Pignani, Adriana
Pingree, David Edwin
Pini, Giovanni
Pinto, Emilio
Pirone, Bartolomeo
Pîrvuloiu, Policarp
Piwowarczyk, Przemysław
Plepelits, Karl
Plexidas, Iōannēs Gr.
Pogodin, Ambrose
Poirier P.-H.
Polemēs, Iōannēs D.
Polleichtner, Wolfgang
Polychroniadēs, Anastasios Hom.
Pons Pons, G.
Pontani, Anna
Pontani, Filippomaria
Porphyry, Taylor, Thomas,
Portmann, Werner
Potenza, Francesca
Prach, V.
Prassas, Despina D.
Preiser-Kapeller, Johannes
Preus, Anthony
Previale, L.
Préville, J. de
Price, Richard
Prieto Domínguez, Óscar
Prinzi, Angela
Prinzing, Gunter
Priwitzer, Stefan
Prokhorov, Gelian Mikhaĭlovich
Pryor, John H.
Przybyla, Heinrich
Pseudo-Dionysius, Heil, Günter.
Pseutonkas, Vasileios S.
Pusey, E. B.
Quacquarelli, Antonio.
Rabello, Alfredo Mordechai.
Rabinowitz, A.
Radde-Gallwitz, Andrew
Radici Colace, Paola
Rambault, Nathalie
Ramelli, Ilaria
Rapp, Claudia
Rashed, Marwan
Ravić, Ivana
Re, Mario
Reader, William W.
Rebenich, Stefan.
Reed, Morgan
Rees, Brinley Roderick
Regnault, Lucien
Regoliosi Morani, Giulia
Reinink, G. J.
Reinsch, Diether
Renauld, Émile
Renehan, Robert
Renoux, Charles
Rexroth, Kenneth
Reynolds, Gabriel Said
Rhoby, Andreas
Ricard, Marie
Ricceri, Rachele
Ricciotti, Giuseppe
Richard, M.
Richardson, Ernest Cushing
Richter, P. H.
Ridley, Ronald T.
Riedel, Wilhelm
Riedinger, Jean-Claude
Riedlberger, Peter
Riehle, Alexander
Riel, Gerd van
Riggs, Charles T.
Rigo, Antonio
Rioual, Gaelle
Rizeanu, Maria-Iulia
Rizos, Efthymios
Rizzo Nervo, Francesca
Rizzo, James John
Río Sánchez, Francisco del
Roberto, Umberto
Rochefort, G.
Rodakēs, Periklēs
Rodley, Lyn
Rodríguez Panyagua, E.
Rodríguez Martín, José-Domingo
Roelli, Philipp
Roey, A. van
Rohde, Georg
Rokai, Melina
Rolt, C. E.
Roman, Agathe
Romano, Roberto
Romero González, Dámaris
Rompay, Lucas van
Ronan, Stephen.
Ronchey, Silvia
Roose, Jonas
Roosen, Bram
Roques, Denis
Rordorf, Willy
Rorem, Paul
Rosenblum, J.
Rosenqvist, Jan Olof
Rosenschon, Ursula
Rossi Taibbi, Giuseppe
Roth, Catharine P.
Rouckhout, Anne-Sophie
Roueché, Charlotte
Rouët de Journel, M. J.
Rousseau, Adelin
Rousseau, O.
Roy, Martha
Różycki, Łukasz
Rubenson, Samuel
Rubešová, Květa
Rudio, Ferdinand
Ruggieri, Vincenzo
Russell, D. A.
Russell, Norman
Ryan, Frances Rita
Rydén, Lennart
Sabbah, Guy
Sabe Andreu, Pedro
Šablevskij, Nikolaj
Sachot, Maurice
Saffrey, H. D.
Sahas, Daniel J.
Sahner, Christian
Sais Borràs, S.
Sala, R.
Salaville, S.
Saleh, Christiane
Salvini, Andrea
Samara, Demetra
Samir, Khalil
Samuelian Thomas J.
Sánchez Manzano, María Asunción
Sánchez Navarro, L. A.
Sancho Bielsa, J.
Sandars, Thomas Collett
Sano, Daiki
Santoro, Anthony R.
Santos-Marinas, Enrique
Sanz, Peter
Sargologos, Etienne
Sarkissian, Alena
Sarris, Peter
Sathas, C.
Sauterel, Nadine
Savova, Veneta
Saweros, Ibrahim
Sbath, Paul
Scanzillo, Ciriaco
Scazzoso, Piero.
Schamoni, Wilhelm
Schamp, Jacques
Scharf, J.
Schartau, Bjarne
Schatkin, Margaret A.
Schembra, Rocco
Schenke, Gesine
Schermann, Theodor
Scheuren, Claudy
Schiano, Claudio
Schirò, Giuseppe
Schmalzbauer, Gudrun
Schmidt, Thomas S.
Schminck, Andreas
Schmitt, John
Schneider, Horst
Schneider, Hugo
Schneider, Jean
Scholten, Clemens
Schork, R. J.
Schouler, Bernard.
Schönauer, Sonja
Schönberger, Axel
Schönborn, Christoph von
Schönfelder, F. M.
Schreiner, Peter
Schröder, Burghard
Schroeder, C. Paul
Schroeder, Frederic Maxwell
Schubert, Christoph
Schulte, Hendrich
Schwab, Andreas
Schwartz, Eduard
Scott, Brian
Scott, Colby
Scott, Roger
Scott, S. P.
Searby, Denis M.
Sefrin-Weis, Heike
Segneri, Angelo
Segonds, A. Ph.
Seguin, Josette
Seiler, Ingrid
Seleznev, Nikolaj Nikolaevič
Sellars, John
Sels, Lara
Semenov, V. F.
Seminar Classics 609, State University of New York at Buffalo
Senina, Tatjana
Ševčenko, Ihor
Ševčenko, Nancy Patterson
Sevieri, Roberta
Sewter, Edgar Robert Ashton
Shapland, C. R. B.
Share, Michael John
Sharenkoff, Victor N.
Sharples, R. W.
Shaw, Frank
Shaw, Margaret Renée Bryers
Shboul, Ahmad M. H.
Shea, George W.
Shedd, Martin
Shepard, J.
Sherry, Kurt
Sherry, Lee Francis
Sherwood, Polycarp
Shoemaker, Stephen J.
Shoja, Mohammadali M.
Shore, Sally Rieger
Shukurov, R. M.
Sideras, Alexander
Siderē, Aloē
Sidere, Christina
Sidéridès, X. A.
Sidiropoulos, Dimitrios
Signes Codoñer, Juan
Sijpesteijn, Pieter J.
Silvano, Luigi
Silvas, Anna
Silventi Arbizu, María Cristina
Simelidis, Christos
Simeonova, Liliana
Simmons, H.L.N.
Simon, Dieter
Simonetti, Manlio
Simón Palmer, José
Sinkewicz, Robert E.
Sirinian, Anna
Si︠u︡zi︠u︡mov, M. I︠A︡
Sjörs, Ambjörn
Skaka, Evangeli
Skatharou, Stephanos K.
Sklare, David
Skrekas, Dimitrios
Slavona, Mirena
Šlenov, Dionisij
Slusser, Michael
Smirnov, Dimitriĭ V.
Smith, Caroline
Smith, Ole Langwitz.
Smith, R. Payne
Smithies, Andrew
Smythe, Dion
Snipes, Kenneth
Sode, Claudia
Soler, A.
Somers, Véronique
Sonderegger, Erwin
Song, Hye Kyoung
Sorlin, Henri
Soto Chica, José
Soustal, Peter
Spadaro, Maria Dora
Spanu, Nicola
Spatharakis, Iohannis
Speck, Paul
Spetsierēs, Iōakeim
Spingou, Foteini
Spinka, Matthew
Spiteris, Yannis
Spulber, C. A.
Spyridonova, Lydia
Spyropoulos, Spyros Ēl.
Sreznevskīĭ, V. I.
St. Demiana, Antonia
Stallman-Pacitti, Cynthia J.
Stambolov, Alexey
Stăniloae, Dumitru
Stanković, Mladen
Stavrou, Michel
Stead, Julian
Steel, Carlos G.
Stefec, Rudolf
Stein, James Aloysius
Steingasser, Pavel
Stephenson, Anthony A.
Stephenson, Paul
Sterk, Andrea
Stevenson, James
Stevenson, Jane
Stewart, Columba
Stébé, M. Hélène
Stockhausen, Annette von
Stöcklin-Kaldewey, Sara
Stojanović, Aleksandar
Stolk, Joanne
Stone, Andrew F.
Stone, Edward Noble
Stoneman, Richard
Storf, Remigius
Storin, Bradley K.
Stoyanov, Yuri
Stökl, Günther
Strano, Gioacchino
Strobl, Wolfgang
Strohm, Hans
Strothmann, Werner
Strunk, Oliver
Stutz, Jonathan
Subiaco, W. A.
Suchla, Beate Regina
Suciu, Alin
Sullivan, Denis F.
Susanetti, Davide
Svoronos, N.
Swain, Simon
Swainson, Harold
Sykes, D. A.
Sykopetritou, Paraskevi
Syrkin, A. I︠A︡
Szewczyk, Przemysław Marek
Szopa, Adrian
Ševčenko, Ihor
Ševčenko, Nancy Patterson
Talbot, Alice-Mary
Tall, Maxeme
Tambrun-Krasker, Brigitte
Tandy, Sean
Taormina, Daniela Patrizia
Taragna, Anna Maria
Tardieu, Michel
Tarrant, Harold
Tartaglia, Luigi
Tasnapetean, Tʻamar
Taxidis, Ilias
Taylor, David G. K.
Taylor, Joan E.
Taylor, John Wilson.
Taylor, Thomas
Tābat, Yūḥannā
Telfer, William
Ter-Davti︠a︡n I, K.S.
Terebessy, Andronicus B.
Terezēs. Chrēstos Ath.
Terian, Abraham
Teurfs, C.
Thayer, James Bradley
Theocharides, G. J.
Theotokis, Georgios
Théologitis, Homère-Alexandre
Thierfelder, Andreas
Thomas, J. A. C.
Thomas, John Philip
Thompson, E. A.
Thomson, Francis J.
Thomson, Robert W.
Thomson, William
Thurn, Hans Peter
Thurn, Johannes
Thümmel, Hans Georg
Tihon, Anne
Timofejev, Boris
Tinnefeld, Franz Hermann
Tiziana Drago, Anna
Toader, Ilie
Toda, Satoshi
Todd, Robert B.
Todorović, Darko
Toma, Cornel
Tomadaki, Maria
Tommasi Moreschini, Chiara O.
Tondello, GianMarco
Topchyan, Aram
Topping, Eva C.
Toribo Cuadrado, J. F.
Torres Guerra, José B
Toth, Margit
Trapp, Erich
Treadgold, Warren T.
Trettel, Giulio
Treu, Kurt
Trifonova, Iva
Tripolitis, Antonia
Trisoglio, Francesco
Troianos, S.
Troickij, I.
Trombi, Ugo
Trombley, Frank R.
Trone, Robert H.
Tronina, Antoni
Trōianos, Spyros N.
Tsamēs, Dēmētrios G.
Tsolakēs, Eudoxos Th.
Tsopanēs, Kōnstantinos
Tsouklidou, Despoina
Tsounkarakēs, Dēmētrēs
Tubbs, R. Shane
Tuffin, Paul
Tuilier, André
Turdeanu, Emile
Turner, H. J. M.
Turner, John
Turtledove, Harry
Tŭpkova-Zaimova, Vasilka
Tvogorov, Andrej S.
Twardowska, Kamilla
Tziatzi-Papagianni, Maria
Tzipha, Iōanna
T︠S︡epkov, A. I.
Udalʹt︠s︡ova, Z. V.
Uljas, Sami
Umsu-Seifert, Cagla
Urdeix, J.
Urmson, J. O.
Vaillant, André
Vaiou, Maria
Valastro, Rossella
Valois, Henri de
Van Arsdall, Anne
Van Bladel, Kevin
Van der Horst, P. W.
van der Vliet, Jacques
Van Deun, Peter
Van Hoof, Lieve
Van Nuffelen, Peter
Van Opstall, Emilie Marlène
Van Parys, Michel
Vandendriessche, Vic
Vanhoutte, Nina
Vanoni, Francesco
Varalda, Paolo
Varthalitēs, Giōrgos
Vaschalde, Arthur Adolphe
Vasil'evskii, V. G.
Vasiliev, A. A.
Vasilik, V. V. (Vladimir Vladimirovich)
Vassis, Ioannis
Vážný, Václav
Veh, Otto
Veilleux, Armand
Velasco, A.
Velasco-Delgado, A.
Velinova, Vasja
Velkovska, Elena
Ven, Paul van den
Ventrella, Gianluca
Ventura, Václav
Venturini, Guido
Ver Eecke, Paul
Verbeke, Gérard
Verhelst, Berenice
Vermes, Mark
Verpeaux, Jean
Veselinović, Andrija
Viansino, Giovanni
Vigorelli, Ilaria
Vila Vilar, T.
Villani, Barbara
Vinel, Françoise
Vinogradov, Andrej Ju.
Vinson, Martha Pollard
Vis, Henri de
Viscido, Lorenzo
Viscuso, Patrick
Vives i Solé, J.
Vivian, Tim
Vizuete, Francisco Tejada
Vlachakos, Petros
Vogel, Kurt
Vogt, Albert
Vogüé, Adalbert de
Vojtenko, Anton
Völker, Harald
Volpe Cacciatore, Paola
Vries-Van der Velden, Eva de
Vryonis, Speros
Vučetić, Martin Marko
Vujošević, Žarko
Vuturo, Francesca Paola
Wahlgren, Staffan
Walford, Edward
Walker, Bryan
Walker, Jeffrey
Wallraff, Martin
Walther, Rainer
Warcaba, Katarzyna
Ward, Benedicta
Warnach, Walter
Wartenberg, Georg
Watson, Alan
Watt, J. W.
Waugh, Richey L.
Way, Agnes Clare
Weatherby, Harold L.
Weischer, Bernd Manuel
Weismann, Heinrich,
Weiss, Günter
Weisser, Alfons.
Weitenberg, Joseph Johannes Sicco
Wenger, Antoine
Wenger, Leopold
Wes, M. A.
Wesche, Kenneth Paul
Wesoły, Marian Andrzej
Wessel, Susan
Westerink, Leendert Gerrit
Whitacre, Rodney A.
Whitby, Mary
Whitby, Michael
White, Carolinne
White, Despina Stratoudaki
Wickham, Lionel R.
Wiita, J.
Wilberding, James.
Wildberg, Christian
Wilken, Robert Louis
Williams, C. J. F.
Williams, Frank
Williams, Frederick
Williamson, G. A.
Wilmshurst, David
Wilson, Nigel Guy
Wimbush, Vincent L.
Winden, J. C. M. van.
Winkler, Gabriele
Winling, Raymond
Winstedt, Eric Otto
Witakowski, Witold
Wolfram, Gerda
Wollbold, Andreas
Wolohojian, Albert Mugrdich
Wolska-Conus, Wanda
Wolters, Friedrich
Woodhouse, C. M.
Woods Callaban, Virginia
Woodward, George Ratcliffe
Wortley, John
Wright, William
Wright, Wilmer Cave
Wurtzel, Carl
Wyss, Beatrice
Xenophontos, Sophia
Yarnold, Edward
Yaron, Dan
Yonge, Charles Duke
Young, Robin Darling
Yuretich, Linda
Zabolotniĭ, Evgeniĭ A.
Zacharova, Anna V.
Zachhuber, Johannes
Zagklas, Nikolaos
Zagrebin, Vasiliĭ
Zaĭt︠s︡ev, A. I.
Zalunin, Andreĭ
Zambon, Marco
Zamora. M. J.
Zanetti, Ugo
Zašev, Evgeni
Zawadzki, Konrad F.
Zellman-Rohrer, Michael
Zhavoronkov, P. I.
Ziadé, Raphaëlle
Zingg, Emmanuel
Zito, Nicola
Živojinović, Dragić M.
Živojinović, Dragić
Zografski, Kliment
Zorzi, Maria Benedetta
Zotenberg, Hermann
Zouvelos, Alexandros
Zubler, Christian
Zusi, Luigi
Zychowicz-Coghill, Edward
Živković, Tibor
Đurić, Vojislav
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Michael Sphrantzes im Totengedenkbuch des Lavraklosters und als Verfasser eines Gedichtes auf Maria Verkündigung
Sphranztes, Michael
Neue Geschichte
Über das Erfordernis von Schriftzeichen für die Musik der Griechen
Hierōnymos, Tragōdistēs
La Santa escala
John, Climacus, Saint, 6th cent.
Meditaciones sobre la agonía de Jesús
Maximus, Confessor, Saint, ca. 580-662
Hymns on paradise St. Ephrem
Ephraem, Syrus, 303-373
Emperors, patriarchs, and sultans of Constantinople, 1373-1513
Short history
Nicephorus, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople
Romanos' encomium on Joseph
Romanus, Melodus, Saint, 6th cent.
Constantine Porphyrogenitus
Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, Emperor of the East, 905-959
Letter Concerning the Sorceress to Bishop Theodoxios
Gregory, of Nyssa, Saint, ca. 335-ca. 394
Michaelis Pselli Historia syntomos
Psellus, Michael
Syncletica, Saint
The paschal letter of Alexander II, patriarch of Alexandria
Alexander II, Patriarch of Alexandria
The Panarion of St. Epiphanius, Bishop of Salamis
Epiphanius, Saint, Bishop of Constantia in Cyprus, ca. 310-403
The encomium of S. Pancratius of Taormina by Gregory the Pagurite
Gregory, of Pagurite
Pancratius, Saint, of Taormina
The letters of Ioannes Mauropous Metropolitan of Euchata
John, Mauropus, Metropolitan of Euchaita, fl. 11th cent.
Two Greek Aristotelian commentators on the intellect
Alexander, of Aphrodisias
Epistola a Michele Cerulario Michele Psello
Psellus, Michael
Vita di Andrea Salos
Nikēphoros, 6th cent.
Andrew, the Fool, Saint
Vita di Simeone Salos
Leontius, Bishop of Neapolis, 7th cent.
Simeon Salus, Saint, ca. 522-ca. 588
Cyril, of Scythopolis, ca. 524-ca. 558
Sabas, Saint, 439-532
Lo Spirito Santo
Didymus, the Blind, ca. 313-ca. 398
Cyril, of Scythopolis, ca. 524-ca. 558
John, the Hesychast
Cyril, of Scythopolis, ca. 524-ca. 558
Euthymios the Great
Cyril, of Scythopolis, ca. 524-ca. 558
Cyril, of Scythopolis, ca. 524-ca. 558
Theodosios Koinobiarches
Cyril, of Scythopolis, ca. 524-ca. 558
Cyril, of Scythopolis, ca. 524-ca. 558
Abramios, bishop of Kratea
Le parole del cosmo
George, the Pisidian
Phrantzēs, Geōrgios, b. 1401
Epistola a Giovanni Xifilino Michele Psello
Psellus, Michael
Xiphilinus, Joannes, ca. 1010-1075
Les Turcs au Moyen-Age
Attaleiatēs, Michaēl, 11th cent.
Scylitzes, John, fl. 1081
Kinnamos, Iōannēs, b. ca. 1143
Théodore Méliténiote, "Tribiblos Astronomique" par Regine Leurquin
Melitēniōtēs, Theodōros, ca. 1320-1393
Trois catéchèses baptismales Jean Chrysostome
John Chrysostom, Saint, d. 407
Vasileios Digenēs Akritēs
Digenis Akritas
Discours sur Babylas
John Chrysostom, Saint, d. 407
Le patriarche Gennade de Constantinople (458-471) et un opuscule inédit contre les Nestoriens
Gennadios I, Patriarch of Constantinople, 458–471
Biens du monastère Sainte-Sophie de Trébizonde dans plusieurs bandons du pays à la charnière de la conquête (1461)
La Passion inédite de S. Athénogène de Pédachthoé en Cappadoce (BHG 197b) introduction, édition, traduction par Pierre Maraval
Athenogene, Saint, of Pedachthoe
Trois documents de la controverse gréco-arménienne
L'Eglise byzantine
Selânik (Thessaloniki)'in son zaptı hakkında bir tarih
Anagnōstēs, Iōannēs, 15th cent.
Diēgēsis peri tēs teleutaias halōseōs tēs Thessalonikēs
Anagnōstēs, Iōannēs, 15th cent.
Hysmine und Hysminias Eustathios Makrembolites
Eustathius, Macrembolites, 12th cent.
Byzanz am Vorabend neuer Grösse
Genesios, Iōsēph, fl. 912-959
Byzantinische Mystik
Das lebenspendende Wasser
Romanus, Melodus, Saint, 6th cent.
Die kanonischen Antworten des Nikolaos III. Grammatikos an den Bischof von Zetunion
Nicholas III, Patriarch of Constantinople, d. 1111
Das Novellensyntagma des Athanasios von Emesa
Athanasios, ho Scholastikos, 6th cent.
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