Un manuel de logique organisé par Jean Chortasménos et destiné à l’enseignement |
Un office inédit de Manuel Sabios pour la fête de l'Unité |
Allocuzione a Giuliano per l'arrivo in Antiochia |
Cabasilas, teologo e mistico bizantino |
Dighenís Akritis |
Gli otto spiriti della malvagità |
La vita premetafrastica di Paolo il Confessore (BHG 1472a) |
Lettere a Olimpiade Giovanni Crisostomo |
Manuale medico |
Polyglot Ad Olimpiade |
Paměti byzantské princezny |
Život sv. Antonína Poustevníka |
A narrative about Syncletica who lived in the Jordanian desert |
An encomium on the life of Saint Theognis |
An unpublished anti-Latin treatise of Manuel Moschopoulos |
De latrone converso |
Imaginary speeches |
La lune de Psellos |
Laonikos Chalkokondyles |
Life |
Life of St. Athanasia of Aegina |
Life of St. Elisabeth the Wonderworker |
Life of St. Mary of Egypt |
Life of St. Mary the Younger |
Life of St. Matrona of Perge |
Life of St. Theodora of Arta |
Life of St. Theodora of Thessalonike |
Life of St. Theoktiste of Lesbos |
Life of St. Thomais of Lesbos |
Nicaea : a Byzantine capital and its praises |
On Aristotle On the soul |
P. Sta. Xyla. |
Symeon the holy fool |
The hagiographic dossier of St Eugenios of Trebizond in Codex Athous Dionysiou 154 |
The incarnation |
The life & regimen of the blessed & holy teacher Syncletica |
The life of Saint George of Choziba, 1-42, 57-60 |
The life of Saint Macrina |
The Passion of St. Demetrianos |
The spiritually beneficial tales of Paul, bishop of Monembasia and of other authors |
Theodoros Metochites on philosophic irony and Greek history |
El espíritu santo |
Homilías cristológicas y marianas |
La crónica de Morea |
Athanasius, die dritte Rede gegen die Arianer |
Rhodanthe und Dosikles Theodoros Prodromos |
Ritterspiele in Byzanz |
Historia tōn polemōn |
Hyle historias |