First homily on the forty martyrs of Sebaste |
Five miracles of St. Menas |
George Finlay and Georgios Gemistos Plethon |
In novam dominicam (from Oratio XLIV) |
Manuel II Palaiologos's ekphrasis on a tapestry in the Louvre |
On Aristotle Categories 1-4 |
On the cosmic mystery of Jesus Christ |
On the existence of evils |
Orations (selections) St. Gregory of Nazianzus |
Proclus of Constantinople and the cult of the Virgin in late antiquity |
Progymnasmata |
Teaching texts from the twelfth-century Orphanotropheion |
The encomium of Ss. Isakos [sic] and Dalmatos by Michael the monk (BHG 956d) |
The Greek life of Antony |
The Life of Maximus the Confessor |
The Onomasticon |
Three miracle stories from Constantinople |
Three treatises on the divine images |
Two military orations of Constantine VII |
La catomiomaquia |
Los edificios |
Poesía heroica bizantina |
Dialog über den Islam und Erziehungsratschläge |
Die Erzählung des Matthaios von der Stadt Theodoro |
Himerios, Reden und Fragmente |
Chronikē syngraphē Geōrgios Akropolitēs |
Ho hagios Athanasios ho Athōnitēs |
Hymnoi |
Hypodeigma Orthodoxēs naodomias kata ton Hagio Grēgorio Nyssēs |
Synopsis chronikē Kōnstantinou Manassē |
Vios Hagiou Porphyriou, Episkopou Gazēs |
Khronografii︠a︡ ; Kratkai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ |
Sovety i rasskazy |
Homilies sobre el Càntic dels Càntics |
Edition critique et traduction française annotée du manuscrit de Venise de la Chronique de Leontios Machairas |
L'Akrite |
Nicolas Mésaritès |
Cantici di Romano il Melodo |
Il Prato |
Poučné příběhy pro komořího Lausa |
A fourteenth-century homiliary for nuns |
An anti-Latin essay of Psellos revisited |
Critical Remarks on Homer's Iliad : Introduction |
De anima |
Life |
Maximus the Confessor and his companions |
On Aristotle Categories 7-8 |
On Aristotle On the heavens 1.1-4 |
On Aristotle Physics 3 |
On Epictetus Handbook 1-26 |