Commentary on Zechariah |
Encomium for his mother |
Funeral oration for this daughter Styliane, who died before the age of marriage |
Letters regarding Psellos' family |
Libanius' declamations 9 and 10 by Mikael Johansson |
Life and works of Saint Gregentios, archbishop of Taphar |
On Aristotle On the heavens 1.10-12 |
On Aristotle On the heavens 1.10-12 |
On Aristotle Physics 1.1-3 |
On Aristotle's Metaphysics 13-14 |
On the festival of St. Agathē |
The age of the dromōn |
The court memorandum (hypomnēma) regarding the engagement of his daughter |
The cult of the saints |
Theodoret of Cyrus |
To his grandson, who was still an infant |
Περὶ θαλασσομαχίας |
Catequesis |
Comentarios a los Salmos |
Historia de las guerras, libros V-VI |
Historia turco-bizantina |
Libro de los emperadores |
Eustathii Thessalonicensis De emendanda vita monachica |
Paralipomena Cycli |
Reden auf die grosse Quadragesima |
Stephani Byzantii Ethnica |
Zwei Schriften gegen die Arianer |
Eikōn kai logos |
Gamoi, kēdeies kai autokratorikes metameleies |
Peri tou mathēmatikou eidous tēs philosophias, kai malista peri tou harmonikou |
Pragmateia gia tēn anthrōpinē physē |
Vrachy chroniko |
O tseremoniiakh, kn. II, gl. 15 |
Trei epistole pastorale ale lui Teofan Mitropolitul Niceei către poporul și clerul său aflati sub dominație islamică (1364–1365) |
La virginitat |
Chronique de Morée |
Discours annuels en l'honneur du patriarche Georges Xiphilin |
L’ekphrasis d’un baptistère byzantin |
L’éléphantiasis en Égypte gréco-romaine |
Thessalonique : Chroniques d'une ville prise |
Dalla controversia palamitica alla polemica esicastica |
Ioannis Antiocheni Fragmenta ex Historia chronica introduzione |
La scala |
Obliate iconodule |
Panegirico per l'imperatore Anastasio Procopio di Gaza |
Un apoftegma di Simeone il Nuovo Teologo |
Un tempio per Giustiniano |
Historia religiosa |
Against Proclus on the eternity of the world, 6-8 |
Inscriptions from Palaestina Tertia |